python2-funcy 1.11 Functional tools

funcy is a library that provides functional tools. Examples are:

  1. merge - Merges collections of the same type

  2. walk - Type-preserving map

  3. select - Selects a part of a collection

  4. take - Takes the first n items of a collection

  5. first - Takes the first item of a collection

  6. remove - Predicated-removes items of a collection

  7. concat - Concatenates two collections

  8. flatten - Flattens a collection with subcollections

  9. distinct - Returns only distinct items

  10. split - Predicated-splits a collection

  11. split_at - Splits a collection at a given item

  12. group_by - Groups items by group

  13. pairwise - Pairs off adjacent items

  14. partial - Partially-applies a function

  15. curry - Curries a function

  16. compose - Composes functions

  17. complement - Complements a predicate

  18. all_fn - "all" with predicate