r-physicalactivity 0.2-2 Procesing accelerometer data for physical activity measurement

This r-physicalactivity package provides a function wearingMarking for classification of monitor wear and nonwear time intervals in accelerometer data collected to assess physical activity. The package also contains functions for making plots of accelerometer data and obtaining the summary of various information including daily monitor wear time and the mean monitor wear time during valid days. The revised package version 0.2-1 improved the functions regarding speed, robustness and add better support for time zones and daylight saving. In addition, several functions were added:

  1. the markDelivery can classify days for ActiGraph delivery by mail;

  2. the markPAI can categorize physical activity intensity level based on user-defined cut-points of accelerometer counts.

It also supports importing ActiGraph (AGD) files with readActigraph and queryActigraph functions.