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cl-clump 0.0.0-1.1ea4dba

The purpose of this library is to provide a collection of implementations of trees. In contrast to existing libraries such as cl-containers, it does not impose a particular use for the trees. …

cl-clunit 0.2.3-1.6f6d728

CLUnit is a Common Lisp unit testing framework. It is designed to be easy to use so that you can quickly start testing. CLUnit provides a rich set of features…

cl-clunit2 0.2.4-1.5e28343

CLUnit is a Common Lisp unit testing framework. It is designed to be easy to use so that you can quickly start testing. …

cl-clx 0.7.5

CLX is an X11 client library for Common Lisp. The code was originally taken from a CMUCL distribution, was modified somewhat in order to make it compile and run under SBCL,…

cl-clx-xembed 0.1-1.a5c4b84

CL(x) xembed protocol implementation …

cl-colorize 0.0.0-1.ea676b5

`colorize' is a Lisp library for syntax highlighting supporting the following languages: Common Lisp, Emacs Lisp, Scheme, Clojure, C, C++, Java, Python, Erlang, Haskell, Objective-C, Diff, Webkit. …

cl-colors 0.0.0-1.8274105

This is a very simple color library for Common Lisp, providing * Types for representing colors in HSV and RGB spaces. * Simple conversion functions between…

cl-colors2 0.2.1-1.795aede

This is a very simple color library for Common Lisp, providing: * Types for representing colors in HSV and RGB spaces. * Simple conversion functions between…

cl-com.gigamonkeys.binary-data 0.0.0-0.22e9089

This a Common Lisp library for reading and writing binary data. It is based on code from chapter 24 of the book _Practical Common Lisp_. …

cl-constantfold 0.1-1.0ff1d97

Support library for numcl. Registers a function as an additional form that is considered as a candidate for a constant. …

cl-cont 0.3.8-1.fc1fa7e

This is a library that implements delimited continuations by transforming Common Lisp code to continuation passing style. …

cl-containers 0.12.1-3.3d1df53

Common Lisp ships with a set of powerful built in data structures including the venerable list, full featured arrays, and hash-tables. CL-containers enhances and builds on these structures by adding containers…

cl-cookie 0.9.10-1.cea55ae

cl-cookie is a Common Lisp library featuring parsing of cookie headers, cookie creation, cookie jar creation and more. …

cl-coroutine 0.1-1.de098f8

This is a coroutine library for Common Lisp implemented using the continuations of the `cl-cont' library. …

cl-css 0.1-1.8fe654c

This is a dead-simple, non validating, inline CSS generator for Common Lisp. Its goals are axiomatic syntax, simple implementation to support portability, and boilerplate reduction in CSS. …

cl-csv 1.0.6-1.3eba29c

This is a Common Lisp library providing functions to read/write CSV from/to strings, streams and files. …

cl-curry-compose-reader-macros 1.0.0-0.beaa92d

This Common Lisp library provides reader macros for concise expression of function partial application and composition. …

cl-cxml 0.0.0-1.00b22bf

CXML implements a namespace-aware, validating XML 1.0 parser as well as the DOM Level 2 Core interfaces. Two parser interfaces are offered, one SAX-like, the other similar to StAX. …

cl-dbd-mysql 0.9.4

`dbi' is a Common Lisp library providing a database independent interface for MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite. …

cl-dbd-postgres 0.9.4

`dbi' is a Common Lisp library providing a database independent interface for MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite. …

cl-dbd-sqlite3 0.9.4

`dbi' is a Common Lisp library providing a database independent interface for MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite. …

cl-dbi 0.9.4

`dbi' is a Common Lisp library providing a database independent interface for MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite. …

cl-dbus 20190408-1.24b452d

This is a Common Lisp library that publishes D-Bus objects as well as send and notify other objects connected to a bus. …

cl-deflate 1.0.3

This library is an implementation of Deflate (RFC 1951) decompression, with optional support for ZLIB-style (RFC 1950) and gzip-style (RFC 1952) wrappers of deflate streams. It currently does not handle compression. …

cl-dexador 0.9.14

Dexador is yet another HTTP client for Common Lisp with neat APIs and connection-pooling. It is meant to supersede Drakma. …

cl-dissect 1.0.0-1.cffd384

Dissect is a small Common Lisp library for introspecting the call stack and active restarts. …

cl-documentation-utils 1.2.0-0.98630dd

This is a small library to help you with managing the Common Lisp docstrings for your library. …

cl-drakma 2.0.7

Drakma is a full-featured HTTP client implemented in Common Lisp. It knows how to handle HTTP/1.1 chunking, persistent connections, re-usable sockets, SSL, continuable uploads, file uploads, cookies, and more. …

cl-enchant 0.0.0-1.6af162a

Enchant is a Common Lisp interface for the Enchant spell-checker library. The Enchant library is a generic spell-checker library which uses other spell-checkers transparently as back-end. The library supports the…

cl-eos 0.0.0-2.b4413bc

Eos was a unit testing library for Common Lisp. It began as a fork of FiveAM; however, FiveAM development has continued, while that of Eos has not. Thus, Eos is…

cl-esrap 0.0.0-1.133be8b

A packrat parser for Common Lisp. In addition to regular Packrat / Parsing Grammar / TDPL features ESRAP supports: * dynamic redefinition of nonterminals * inline…

cl-exponential-backoff 0-1.8d9e844

An implementation of the exponential backoff algorithm in Common Lisp. Inspired by the implementation found in Chromium. Read the header file to learn about each of the parameters. …

cl-external-program 0.0.6-1.5888b8f

EXTERNAL-PROGRAM enables running programs outside the Lisp process. It is an attempt to make the RUN-PROGRAM functionality in implementations like SBCL and CCL as portable as possible without sacrificing much in…

cl-fad 0.7.6

CL-FAD (for "Files and Directories") is a thin layer atop Common Lisp's standard pathname functions. It is intended to provide some unification between current CL implementations on Windows, OS X, Linux,…

cl-fare-quasiquote 1.0.1-1.640d39a

The main purpose of this n+2nd reimplementation of quasiquote is enable matching of quasiquoted patterns, using Optima or Trivia. …

cl-fare-quasiquote-extras 1.0.1-1.640d39a

This library combines `fare-quasiquote-readtable' and `fare-quasiquote-optima'. …

cl-fare-quasiquote-optima 1.0.1-1.640d39a

The main purpose of this n+2nd reimplementation of quasiquote is enable matching of quasiquoted patterns, using Optima or Trivia. …

cl-fare-quasiquote-readtable 1.0.1-1.640d39a

The main purpose of this n+2nd reimplementation of quasiquote is enable matching of quasiquoted patterns, using Optima or Trivia. This package uses fare-quasiquote with named-readtable. …


fare-utils is a small collection of utilities. It contains a lot of basic everyday functions and macros. …

cl-fast-http 0.2.0-2.502a377

`fast-http' is a HTTP request/response protocol parser for Common Lisp. …

cl-fast-io 1.0.0-2.603f490

Fast-io is about improving performance to octet-vectors and octet streams (though primarily the former, while wrapping the latter). …

cl-fiasco 0.0.1-1.d62f755

A Common Lisp test framework that treasures your failures, logical continuation of Stefil. It focuses on interactive debugging. …

cl-find-port 0.1

This is a small Common Lisp library that finds an open port within a range. …

cl-fiveam 1.4.1

FiveAM is a simple (as far as writing and running tests goes) regression testing framework. It has been designed with Common Lisp's interactive development model in mind. …

cl-flexi-streams 1.0.18

Flexi-streams is an implementation of "virtual" bivalent streams that can be layered atop real binary or bivalent streams and that can be used to read and write character data in various single-…

cl-flexichain 1.5.1

This package provides an implementation of the flexichain protocol, allowing client code to dynamically add elements to, and delete elements from a sequence (or chain) of such elements. …

cl-float-features 1.0.0

Portability library for IEEE float features that are not covered by the Common Lisp standard. …

cl-foreign-array 0.0.0-1.e4711a6

Antik provides a foundation for scientific and engineering computation in Common Lisp. It is designed not only to facilitate numerical computations, but to permit the use of numerical computation libraries and…

cl-form-fiddle 1.1.0-0.e0c2359

Often times we need to destructure a form definition in a Common Lisp macro. This library provides a set of simple utilities to help with that. …

cl-fprog 1.0.0-1.7016d1a

`fprog' is a Common Lisp library allowing iteration over immutable lists sharing identical sublists. …

cl-freetype2 1.1-0.96058da

This is a general Freetype 2 wrapper for Common Lisp using CFFI. It's geared toward both using Freetype directly by providing a simplified API, as well as providing access to the…

cl-fset 1.3.2-1.6d2f9de

FSet is a functional set-theoretic collections library for Common Lisp. Functional means that all update operations return a new collection rather than modifying an existing one in place. Set-theoretic means that…

cl-function-cache 1.0.3

A common lisp library that provides extensible function result caching based on arguments (an expanded form of memoization). …

cl-global-vars 1.0.0-0.c749f32

In Common Lisp, a special variable that is never dynamically bound typically serves as a stand-in for a global variable. The `global-vars' library provides true global variables that are implemented by…

cl-gobject-introspection 0.3-0.7b703e2

This library is a bridge between Common Lisp and GObject Introspection, which enables Common Lisp programs to access the full interface of C+GObject libraries without the need of writing dedicated bindings. …

cl-graph 0.0.0-0.78bf9ec

The GRAPH Common Lisp library provides a data structures to represent graphs, as well as some graph manipulation and analysis algorithms (shortest path, maximum flow, minimum spanning tree, etc.). …

cl-green-threads 0.3-1.fff5ebe

This library allows for cooperative multitasking with help of cl-cont for continuations. It tries to mimic the API of bordeaux-threads as much as possible. …

cl-gsll 0.0.0-1.1a8ada2

The GNU Scientific Library for Lisp (GSLL) allows the use of the GNU Scientific Library (GSL) from Common Lisp. This library provides a full range of common mathematical operations useful to…

cl-gtype 0.1-1.42275e3

Support library for numcl that provides Julia-like runtime parametric type correctness in Common Lisp. It is based on CLtL2 extensions. …

cl-hdf5-cffi 1.8.18-1.5b5c88f

`hdf5-cffi' is a CFFI wrapper for the HDF5 library. …

cl-heap 0.1.6

CL-HEAP provides various implementations of heap data structures (a binary heap and a Fibonacci heap) as well as an efficient priority queue. …

cl-hooks 0.2.1-1.5b63808

A hook, in the present context, is a certain kind of extension point in a program that allows interleaving the execution of arbitrary code with the execution of a the program without…

cl-html-encode 1.2

A library for encoding text in various web-savvy encodings. …

cl-http-body 0.1.0-1.dd01dc4

HTTP-Body parses HTTP POST data and returns POST parameters. It supports application/x-www-form-urlencoded, application/json, and multipart/form-data. …

cl-hu.dwim.asdf 20190521

Various ASDF extensions such as attached test and documentation system, explicit development support, etc. …

cl-hu.dwim.common 2015-07-09

cl-hu.dwim.common-lisp 2015-07-09

This library is a redefinition of the standard Common Lisp package that includes a number of renames and shadows. …

cl-hu.dwim.defclass-star 2015-07-09

`defclass-star' provides defclass* and defcondition* to simplify class and condition declarations. Features include: * Automatically export all or select slots at compile time. * Define the…

cl-hu.dwim.stefil 0.0.0-1.ab6d1aa

Stefil is a simple test framework for Common Lisp, with a focus on interactive development. …

cl-hunchentoot 1.2.38

Hunchentoot is a web server written in Common Lisp and at the same time a toolkit for building dynamic websites. As a stand-alone web server, Hunchentoot is capable of HTTP/1.1 chunking…

cl-idna 0.2.2

This Common Lisp library provides string encoding and decoding routines for IDNA, the International Domain Names in Applications. …

cl-ieee-floats 20170924-1.566b51a

This is a Common Lisp library that converts floating point values to IEEE 754 binary representation. …

cl-inflector 0.2-1.f1ab169

This is a common lisp library to easily pluralize and singularize English and Portuguese words. This is a port of the ruby ActiveSupport Inflector module. …

cl-interpol 0.2.6-1.1fd288d

CL-INTERPOL is a library for Common Lisp which modifies the reader so that you can have interpolation within strings similar to Perl or Unix Shell scripts. It also provides various ways…

cl-introspect-environment 0.1-1.fff42f8

This library is a small interface to portable but nonstandard introspection of Common Lisp environments. It is intended to allow a bit more compile-time introspection of environments in Common Lisp. Quite a…

cl-iolib 0.8.3-2.7f5ea3a

IOlib is to be a better and more modern I/O library than the standard Common Lisp library. It contains a socket library, a DNS resolver, an I/O multiplexer(which supports `select(2)', `epoll(4)'…

cl-ironclad 0.50

Ironclad is a cryptography library written entirely in Common Lisp. It includes support for several popular ciphers, digests, MACs and public key cryptography algorithms. For several implementations that support Gray…

cl-iterate 1.5

`iterate' is an iteration construct for Common Lisp. It is similar to the `CL:LOOP' macro, with these distinguishing marks: * it is extensible, * it helps…

cl-jonathan 0.1.0-1.1f448b4

High performance JSON encoder and decoder. Currently support: SBCL, CCL. …

cl-jpeg 2.8-1.ec55703

This is a baseline JPEG codec written in Common Lisp. It can be used for reading and writing JPEG image files. …

cl-jpl-queues 0.1

A Common Lisp library implementing a few different kinds of queues: * Bounded and unbounded FIFO queues. * Lossy bounded FIFO queues that drop elements when…

cl-jpl-util 20151005

`cl-jpl-util' is a collection of Common Lisp utility functions and macros, primarily for software projects written in CL by the author. …

cl-json 0.5-1.6dfebb9

`cl-json' provides an encoder of Lisp objects to JSON format and a corresponding decoder of JSON data to Lisp objects. Both the encoder and the decoder are highly customizable; at the…

cl-kmrcl 1.109.0-1.5260068

KMRCL is a collection of utilities used by a number of Kevin Rosenberg's CL packages. …

cl-lack 0.1.0-1.abff8ef

Lack is a Common Lisp library which allows web applications to be constructed of modular components. It was originally a part of Clack, however it's going to be rewritten as an…

cl-lack-component 0.0.0-1.abff8ef

Lack is a Common Lisp library which allows web applications to be constructed of modular components. It was originally a part of Clack, however it's going to be rewritten as an…

cl-lack-middleware-backtrace 0.1.0-1.abff8ef

Lack is a Common Lisp library which allows web applications to be constructed of modular components. It was originally a part of Clack, however it's going to be rewritten as an…

cl-lack-middleware-static 0.1.0-1.abff8ef

Lack is a Common Lisp library which allows web applications to be constructed of modular components. It was originally a part of Clack, however it's going to be rewritten as an…

cl-lack-request 0.1.0-1.abff8ef

Lack is a Common Lisp library which allows web applications to be constructed of modular components. It was originally a part of Clack, however it's going to be rewritten as an…

cl-lack-response 0.1.0-1.abff8ef

Lack is a Common Lisp library which allows web applications to be constructed of modular components. It was originally a part of Clack, however it's going to be rewritten as an…

cl-lack-util 0.1.0-1.abff8ef

Lack is a Common Lisp library which allows web applications to be constructed of modular components. It was originally a part of Clack, however it's going to be rewritten as an…

cl-ledger 4.0.0-1.08e0be4

CL-Ledger is a Common Lisp port of the Ledger double-entry accounting system. …

cl-let-plus 0.0.0-1.5f14af6

This library implements the let+ macro, which is a dectructuring extension of let*. It features: * Clean, consistent syntax and small implementation (less than 300 LOC, not …

cl-lex 1.1.3-1.f2dbbe2

This is a Common Lisp library providing a set of macros for generating lexical analyzers automatically. The lexers generated using `cl-lex' can be used with `cl-yacc'. …

cl-libsvm-format 0.1.0-0.3300f84

This Common Lisp library provides a fast reader for data in LibSVM format. …

cl-libuv 0.1.6-1.32100c0

This library provides low-level libuv bindings for Common Lisp. …

cl-lift 1.7.1-1.7d49a66

The LIsp Framework for Testing (LIFT) is a unit and system test tool for LISP. Though inspired by SUnit and JUnit, it's built with Lisp in mind. In LIFT, testcases are…

cl-lisp-namespace 0.1-1.28107ca

Common Lisp already has major 2 namespaces, function namespace and value namespace (or variable namespace), but there are actually more — e.g., class namespace. This library offers macros to deal with…

cl-lisp-unit 0.0.0-1.89653a2

`lisp-unit' is a Common Lisp library that supports unit testing. It is an extension of the library written by Chris Riesbeck. …

cl-lisp-unit2 0.2.0-1.fb97215

LISP-UNIT2 is a Common Lisp library that supports unit testing in the style of JUnit for Java. It is a new version of the lisp-unit library written by Chris Riesbeck. …

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