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emacs-eshell-did-you-mean 0.1

This library adds a list of 'Did you mean...' suggestions when the command was not found in Eshell. The suggestions are found after the commands that bear resemblance to the input…

emacs-eshell-prompt-extras 1.0

This library displays various customizable elements for `eshell' prompts: remote user, remote host, python virtual environment info, git branch, git dirty info and git unpushed number. Multiple themes are available. …

emacs-eshell-toggle 0.10.0-1.ddfbe0a

This package toggles an `eshell' instance for the current buffer. …

emacs-eshell-up 0.0.3-12.9c100ba

This package provides quick navigation to a specific parent directory using `Eshell'. …

emacs-eshell-z 0.4

This package is a port of `z', and keeps track of visited directories and commands invoked within them in order to enable navigation via input of matching regexps. …

emacs-espuds 0.3.3

Espuds is a collection of the most commonly used step definitions for testing with the Ecukes framework. …

emacs-ess 18.10.2

Emacs Speaks Statistics (ESS) is an add-on package for GNU Emacs. It is designed to support editing of scripts and interaction with various statistical analysis programs such as R, Julia, and…

emacs-esup 0.6-1.a589005

Benchmark Emacs Startup time without ever leaving your Emacs. …

emacs-esxml 0.3.4

This is XML/XHTML done with S-Expressions in EmacsLisp. Simply, this is the easiest way to write HTML or XML in Lisp. This library uses the native form of XML representation…

emacs-eval-sexp-fu-el 0.5.0

This package provides provides variants of `eval-last-sexp' that work on the containing list or s-expression, as well as an option for visually flashing evaluated s-expressions. …

emacs-evil 1.14.0

Evil is an extensible vi layer for Emacs. It emulates the main features of Vim, and provides facilities for writing custom extensions. …

emacs-evil-anzu 0.03

`anzu' provides a minor mode that displays the current match and total match information in the mode-line in various search modes. …

emacs-evil-args 1.0-1.758ad5a

This package provides motions and text objects for delimited arguments, such as arguments separated by commas and semicolons. …

emacs-evil-cleverparens 2017-07-17-1.8c45879

`evil-cleverparens' remaps Evil keybindings to allow modal editing with screwing up the structure of Lisp code. Alternatives for verb commands which would are normally destructive (such as deletion) are provided. …

emacs-evil-collection 0.0.3-15.c68aed6

This is a collection of Evil bindings for the parts of Emacs that Evil does not cover properly by default, such as `help-mode', `M-x calendar', Eshell and more. …

emacs-evil-commentary 2.1.1

`emacs-evil-commentary' adds keybindings to easily comment out lines of code in evil mode. It provides `gcc' to comment out lines, and `gc' to comment out the target of a motion. …

emacs-evil-escape 3.14

Evil escape provides a customizable key sequence to escape from insert state and everything else in Emacs. …

emacs-evil-exchange 0.41-1.4769153

This package, a port of `vim-exchange', provides an Evil operator for exchanging text. …

emacs-evil-expat 0.0.1-1.f4fcd0a

This package provides additional commands for the `ex' command line, including functions for version control with Git and for copying and pasting into and from `tmux' paste buffers. …

emacs-evil-indent-plus 1.0.0-1.0c7501e

This package adds new text objects for `evil-mode' based on blocks having the same or higher indentation, including or excluding surrounding lines. …

emacs-evil-leader 0.4.3

Evil Leader provides the `<leader>' feature from Vim that provides an easy way to bind keys under a configurable prefix key. …

emacs-evil-lion 0.0.2-1.6b03593

This package, a port of `vim-lion', provides an operator for aligning text objects based on separators. …

emacs-evil-magit 0.4.2-4.253c644

This Emacs library configures Magit and Evil to play well with each other. For some background see `'. See the README at `' for a table describing the key binding changes. …

emacs-evil-markdown 0.0.2-2.685d7fb

This package provides custom text objects and bindings for `markdown-mode'. …

emacs-evil-matchit 2.3.4

`evil-matchit' is a minor mode for jumping between matching tags in evil mode using `%'. It is a port of `matchit' for Vim. …

emacs-evil-mc 0.0.3-2.1cabb86

This package can be used with `multiple-cursors' to provide an incremental search that moves all fake cursors in sync. …

emacs-evil-multiedit 1.3.9

This plugin was an answer to the lack of proper multiple cursor support in Emacs+Evil. It allows you to select and edit matches interactively, integrating `iedit-mode' into Evil mode with an…

emacs-evil-nerd-commenter 3.3.8

This package provides text objects and operators for comments within `evil-mode'. …

emacs-evil-numbers 0.4-1.6ea1c8c

This package increments and decrements binary, octal, decimal and hex literals. It works like C-a/C-x in Vim, i.e. searches for number up to EOL and then increments or decrements and keeps…

emacs-evil-org 1.0.2-1.9d4be14

This package adds supplemental Evil mode key-bindings to Emacs Org-mode. It features: * normal, visual and insert mode bindings; * key bindings organised in key themes; …

emacs-evil-owl 0.0.1-3.24c5f43

This package supplements Evil's register- and mark-based commands with a popup window for previewing candidates. …

emacs-evil-quickscope 0.1.4

`emacs-evil-quickscope' highlights targets for Evil mode’s f,F,t,T keys, allowing for quick navigation within a line. It is a port of quick-scope for Vim. Evil is an Emacs minor mode that…

emacs-evil-replace-with-register 0.1-1.91cc7bf

This package provides an Evil operator for replacing text with the contents of a register. …

emacs-evil-smartparens 0.4.0

`emacs-evil-smartparens' is an Emacs minor mode which makes Evil play nice with Smartparens. Evil is an Emacs minor mode that emulates Vim features and provides Vim-like key bindings. …

emacs-evil-surround 1.1.0

`emacs-evil-surround' allows easy deletion, change and addition of surrounding pairs, such as parentheses and quotes, in evil mode. …

emacs-evil-text-object-python 1.0.1-1.9a064fe

This package provides `evil-mode' text objects for Python. …

emacs-evil-textobj-syntax 0-1.2d9ba8c

This package provides text objects for `evil-mode' with boundaries defined by syntax highlighting. …

emacs-evil-tmux-navigator 0.1.5

This package lets you use C-h, C-j, C-k and C-l to navigate between Emacs windows and tmux panes. …

emacs-evil-traces 0.0.1-2.1931e3e

This package adds visual hints to certain `ex' commands in `evil-mode'. …

emacs-evil-visual-replace 0.0.5

This package provides versions of `query-replace' and `replace-regexp' that work for `evil-mode' visual blocks. …

emacs-evil-visualstar 0.0.2-1.06c053d

This package provides `evil-mode' functions for using selected text to search. …

emacs-ewmctrl 0.0.1-1.3d0217c

`ewmctrl' provides an Emacs interface to `wmctrl' command-line window-management program. …

emacs-eww-lnum 1.1

This is extension to the Emacs browser Eww that adds Conkeror-like functionality. In short, currently visible links, forms, buttons are temporarily assigned numbers with which the former can be immediately activated. Also…

emacs-exec-path-from-shell 1.12

This library allows the user to set Emacs EXEC-PATH and PATH from the shell PATH, so that `shell-command', `compile' and the like work as expected on systems on which Emacs is not…

emacs-exiftool 0.3.2

`emacs-exiftool' is an Elisp wrapper around ExifTool. ExifTool supports reading and writing metadata in various formats including EXIF, XMP and IPTC. …

emacs-expand-region 0.11.0

Expand region increases the selected region by semantic units. Just keep pressing the key until it selects what you want. There's also `er/contract-region' if you expand too far. …

emacs-explain-pause-mode 0.1-0.2356c8c

Monitors Emacs function calls and records their execution time. This information can be reviewed to determine what is causing the user interface to pause. …

emacs-extempore-mode 0.0.0-1.09518ae

This package provides a major mode for editing Extempore code. It can create an Extempore REPL, connect the current `extempore-mode' buffer to a running Extempore process, and more. …

emacs-extend-smime 3.3

ExtendSMIME is designed to be used with Gnus in Emacs. It enhances DefaultEncrypt (emacs-default-encrypt) to support S/MIME (Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) via LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol). Before a message (e.g., email)…

emacs-extmap 1.1.1

A very simple package that lets you build a read-only, constant database that maps Emacs Lisp symbols to arbitrary Emacs Lisp objects. …

emacs-exwm 0.24

EXWM is a full-featured tiling X window manager for Emacs built on top of XELB. …

emacs-exwm-edit 0.0.1-3.e1291e3

This package facilitates editing text from EXWM buffers by generating a temp buffer in which any useful Emacs utilities and modes can be invoked. …

emacs-exwm-x 1.9.0

EXWM-X is a derivative window manager based on EXWM, with focus on mouse-control. …

emacs-f 0.20.0

This package provides an Emacs library for working with files and directories. …

emacs-f3 0.1

The Fantastic File Finder for Emacs. Find files fast, using helm. …

emacs-faceup 0.0.1-1.6c92dad

Emacs is capable of highlighting buffers based on language-specific `font-lock' rules. This package makes it possible to perform regression test for packages that provide font-lock rules. …

emacs-fancy-narrow 0.9.5

Unlike `narrow-to-region', which completely hides text outside the narrowed region, this package simply de-emphasizes the text, makes it read-only, and makes it unreachable. This leads to a much more natural feeling…

emacs-fd 0.1.0

This package provides a dired-mode interface for fd's result. …

emacs-feature-mode 20190801-1.11ae167

Major mode for editing Gherkin (popularized by the Cucumber tool) user stories. Also known by the name `cucumber.el'. …

emacs-ffap-rfc-space 12

The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and the Internet Society (ISOC) publish various Internet-related protocols and specifications as "Request for Comments" (RFC) documents. The built-in Emacs module "ffap" (Find File at Point)…

emacs-fill-column-indicator 1.90

Fill-column-indicator graphically indicates the location of the fill column by drawing a thin line down the length of the editing window. …

emacs-finalize 2.0.0

This package runs a callback (a finalizer) after its registered lisp object has been garbage collected. This allows extra resources, such as buffers and processes, to be cleaned up after the…

emacs-find-file-in-project 5.7.7

`find-file-in-project' finds files or directories quickly in the current project. The project root is detected automatically when Git, Subversion or Mercurial are used. It also provides functions to assist in…

emacs-fish-completion 1.2

This package provides completion for the Fish shell to pcomplete (used by shell and Eshell). You can set it up globally with: (when (and (executable-find "fish") …

emacs-fish-mode 0.1.4

This package provides syntax highlighting and indentation functions for Fish shell scripts. …

emacs-flow-minor-mode 0.3-4.d1b32a7

This package integrates Flow with Emacs, allowing for definition-jumping and type-checking on demand. …

emacs-flx 0.6.1

Flx provides fuzzy matching for emacs a la sublime text. The sorting algorithm is a balance between word beginnings (abbreviation) and contiguous matches (substring). The longer the substring match, the…

emacs-flycheck 31-2.9bcf6b6

This package provides on-the-fly syntax checking for GNU Emacs. It is a replacement for the older Flymake extension which is part of GNU Emacs, with many improvements and additional features. Flycheck provides…

emacs-flycheck-cpplint 0.1-1.1d8a090

This package provides a interface for `cpplint' over Flycheck plugin. `cpplint' is a static code checker for C++, following Google guidelines. …

emacs-flycheck-dedukti 0-0.3dbff56

This package provides a frontend for Flycheck to perform syntax checking on dedukti files. …

emacs-flycheck-elm 0-0.1b60050

Flycheck Elm adds Flycheck support for Elm language. …

emacs-flycheck-flow 1.1-1.9e8e52c

This package allows `flycheck-mode' to provide syntax-checking for Flow files. …

emacs-flycheck-grammalecte 1.2

Integrate the French grammar and typography checker Grammalecte with Flycheck to automatically look for mistakes in your writings. It also provides an easy way to find synonyms and antonyms for a…

emacs-flycheck-guile 0.2

This package provides a Flycheck checker for GNU Guile using `guild compile'. …

emacs-flycheck-haskell 0.8-2.32ddff8

This package configures syntax-checking for Haskell buffers. …

emacs-flycheck-irony 0.1.0

This package provides a frontend for Flycheck that lets irony-mode do the syntax checking. …

emacs-flycheck-ledger 0.5

This Flycheck checker uses the output of `ledger balance' on the current file to find errors such as unbalanced transactions and syntax errors. …

emacs-flycheck-rust 1.1

This Flycheck extension configures Flycheck automatically for the current Cargo project. …

emacs-flymake-shellcheck 0.1-0.78956f0

This package provides a backend for Flymake to use the tool ShellCheck for static analyzing `bash' and `sh' scripts. …

emacs-flyspell-correct 0.5

This package provides functionality for correcting words via custom interfaces. Several interfaces are supported beside the classic ido: popup, helm and ivy. …

emacs-focus 0.1.1-1.ab42b87

This package provides a minor mode that dims the color of text in neighboring sections. …

emacs-fold-dwim 1.2-0.c46f4bb

DWIM stands for "do what I mean", as in the idea that one keystroke can do different things depending on the context. In this package, it means that, if the cursor…

emacs-forge 0.1.0-4.09bf8ad

Work with Git forges, such as Github and Gitlab, from the comfort of Magit and the rest of Emacs. …

emacs-form-feed 0.2.2

This package provides a minor mode `form-feed-mode' to display page delimiters which usually appear as ^L glyphs on a single line as horizontal lines spanning the entire window. The minor mode…

emacs-fountain-mode 3.1.0

Fountain Mode is a scriptwriting program for GNU Emacs using the Fountain plain text markup format. …

emacs-frame-purpose 1.0

`frame-purpose' makes it easy to open purpose-specific frames that only show certain buffers, e.g. by buffers’ major mode, their filename or directory, etc, with custom frame/X-window titles, icons, and other frame…

emacs-frecency 0.1-pre-1.31ef9ff

This package provides a way of sorting items via a heuristic based on frequency and recency. …

emacs-fringe-helper 1.0.1-1.ef4a9c0

This package allows fringe bitmaps to be defined with a visual string representation. …

emacs-frog-jump-buffer 0.1.4-1.2d7b342

This package provides a preview window of buffers that can be switched to with quicklink-style selections. …

emacs-frog-menu 0.2.11

This package provides a popup offering a preview of a list of candidates on which user-defined dispatch actions can act. …

emacs-fullframe 0.5.0

This library provides helpers for single-window-per-frame execution of buffer-exposing commands. …

emacs-geiser 0.11.2

Geiser is a collection of Emacs major and minor modes that conspire with one or more Scheme implementations to keep the Lisp Machine Spirit alive. The continuously running Scheme interpreter takes…

emacs-general 0-4.a0b17d2

`general.el' provides a more convenient method for binding keys in emacs (for both evil and non-evil users). Like `use-package', which provides a convenient, unified interface for managing packages, `general.el' is intended…

emacs-ggtags 0.8.13

`ggtags' provides a frontend to the GNU Global source code tagging system. Features: * Build on `compile.el' for asynchronicity and its large feature-set. * Automatically update Global's…

emacs-ghub 3.3.0

Ghub provides basic support for using the APIs of various Git forges from Emacs packages. It supports the REST APIs of Github, Github GraphQL, Gitlab, Gitea, Gogs and Bitbucket. It…

emacs-gif-screencast 1.1

Call `gif-screencast' to start a recording. A screenshot is taken for every user action. Call `gif-screencast-stop' (<f9> by default) to finish recording and create the GIF result. …

emacs-git-annex 1.1-2.1324d3f

Enhances Dired and buffers visiting annex files with git-annex functionality. In Dired, the names of annex files are shortened by hiding the symbolic links and fontified based on whether content is…

emacs-git-auto-commit-mode 4.5.0

`git-auto-commit-mode' is an Emacs minor mode that tries to commit changes to a file after every save. When `gac-automatically-push-p' is non-nil, it also tries to push to the current upstream. …

emacs-git-gutter 0.90

This package is an Emacs minor mode for displaying and interacting with hunks of text managed in a version control system. Added modified and deleted areas can be indicated with symbols…

emacs-git-gutter-fringe 0.23-1.16226ca

This package extends `git-gutter' to use the fringe area of a window. …

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