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emacs-git-link 0.7.5

`git-link' returns the URL for the current buffer's file location at the current line number or active region. `git-link-commit' returns the URL for a commit. URLs are added to the kill…

emacs-git-messenger 0.18

`emacs-git-messenger' provides `git-messenger:popup-message', a function that when called, will popup the last git commit message for the current line. This uses git-blame internally. …

emacs-git-modes 1.2.8

This package provides Emacs major modes for editing various Git configuration files, such as .gitattributes, .gitignore, and .git/config. …

emacs-git-timemachine 4.11

This package enables you to step through historic versions of files under Git version control from within Emacs. …

emacs-github-review 0.1-2.a13a3b4

This package provides commands to pull in, comment on, and accept and reject GitHub pull requests. …

emacs-gitlab-ci-mode 20190425.11.10

`gitlab-ci-mode' is an Emacs major mode for editing GitLab CI files. It provides syntax highlighting and completion for keywords and special variables. An interface to GitLab’s CI file linter is also…

emacs-gitlab-snip-helm 0.0.2

This package provides GitLab snippet API interaction for Emacs. …

emacs-gitpatch 0.5.1

`emacs-gitpatch' lets users easily send git patches, created by `git format-patch', from `magit', `dired' and `ibuffer' buffers. …

emacs-glsl-mode 2.4-0.b071120

This package provides a major mode for editing OpenGLSL grammar files, usually files ending with `.vert', `.frag', `.glsl' or `.geom'. It is based on C mode plus some features and pre-specified…

emacs-gntp 0.1

This package implements the Growl Notification Protocol GNTP described at `'. It is incomplete as it only lets you send but not receive notifications. …

emacs-gnugo 3.1.0

This package provides an Emacs based interface for GNU Go. It has a graphical mode where the board and stones are drawn using XPM images and supports the use of a…

emacs-gnuplot 0.7.0

`emacs-gnuplot' is an emacs major mode for interacting with gnuplot. …

emacs-gnus-alias 20150316

This Emacs add-on provides a simple mechanism to switch Identities when using a `message-mode' or a `message-mode' derived mode. Identities can include `From' and `Organisation' headers, extra headers, body and signature.…

emacs-gnus-harvest 1.0-0.feda071

`gnus-harvest' notices email address in every message or post you read or write, and collects them in a SQLite database, which can be easily and quickly queried to determine the completion list.…

emacs-go-mode 1.5.0

This package provides go-mode, an Emacs mode for working with software written in the Go programming language. …

emacs-god-mode 2.17.0

This package provides a global minor mode for entering Emacs commands without modifier keys. It's similar to Vim's separation of commands and insertion mode. When enabled all keys are implicitly prefixed…

emacs-google-c-style 0.1-0.6271f3f

`emacs-google-c-style' provides an Emacs settings file for Google C and C++ style. …

emacs-google-maps 1.0.0

The `google-maps' package displays Google Maps directly inside Emacs. …

emacs-google-translate 0.12.0

This package provides an Emacs interface to the Google Translate on-line service. …

emacs-goto-chg 1.7.3-1.1829a13

This package provides `M-x goto-last-change' command that goes to the point of the most recent edit in the current Emacs buffer. When repeated, go to the second most recent edit, etc.…

emacs-graphql 0.1.1

GraphQL.el provides a generally-applicable domain-specific language for creating and executing GraphQL queries against your favorite web services. GraphQL is a data query language and runtime designed and used to request and…

emacs-graphviz-dot-mode 0.4.2

This Emacs package helps you to create `.dot' or `.gv' files using the DOT syntax, and use Graphviz to convert these files to diagrams. …

emacs-grep-a-lot 1.0.7

This Emacs package allows managing multiple grep buffers. …

emacs-grep-context 0.1.0-1.5a4e3ef

This package provides an Emacs package for more context in compilation/grep buffers. Works with `wgrep', `ack', `ag', `ivy'. …

emacs-groovy-modes 2.0

This package provides `groovy-mode' for syntax highlighting in Groovy source files, REPL integration with run-groovy and Grails project navigation with the grails mode. …

emacs-gruvbox-theme 1.28.0

Gruvbox is heavily inspired by badwolf, jellybeans and solarized. Designed as a bright theme with pastel 'retro groove' colors and light/dark mode switching in the way of solarized. The main focus…

emacs-gtk-look 29

`gtk-look' finds and displays HTML documentation for GTK, GNOME and Glib functions and variables in Emacs, similar to what info-lookup-symbol does for info files (C-h S). The documentation is expected to…

emacs-guix 0.5.2-1.df1fc5d

Emacs-Guix provides a visual interface, tools and features for the GNU Guix package manager. Particularly, it allows you to do various package management tasks from Emacs. To begin with, run…

emacs-habitica 1.0-1.c45c602

Emacs extension for Habitica (, a RPG style habit tracker and todo list. …

emacs-hackernews 0.5.0-2.2362d7b

The `hackernews' package is able to fetch stories from six different Hacker News feeds, namely top, new, best, ask, show and job stories. The default feed is top stories, which corresponds…

emacs-handle 0.1-2.51c050b

This package provides generic functions that specialize on major modes and intended purpose rather than on arguments. Different callables for tasks like expression evaluation, definition-jumping, and more can now be grouped accordingly…

emacs-haskell-mode 17.1

This is an Emacs mode for editing, debugging and developing Haskell programs. …

emacs-haskell-snippets 0.1.0-0.07b0f46

Haskell-Snippets is a collection of YASnippet Haskell snippets for Emacs. …

emacs-hcl-mode 0.03

`emacs-hcl-mode' provides an Emacs major mode for working with HCL (Hashicorp Configuration Language). It provides syntax highlighting and indentation support. …

emacs-helm 3.6.4

Helm is incremental completion and selection narrowing framework for Emacs. It will help steer you in the right direction when you're looking for stuff in Emacs (like buffers, files, etc). …

emacs-helm-ag 0.62

This package provides a frontend for grepping tools like ag and ack, as well as features for editing search results. …

emacs-helm-bibtex 2.0.0-2.d447123

This package provides bibliography manager for Emacs, based on Helm and the bibtex-completion backend. Key features: * Quick access to your bibliography from within Emacs * Powerful search…

emacs-helm-c-yasnippet 0.6.7-1.65ca732

This Emacs library provides Helm interface for Yasnippet. …

emacs-helm-cider 0.4.0-1.9363cc5

Helm-CIDER adds Helm interfaces to `cider-apropos', `cider-apropos-documentation', `cider-browse-ns' (namespaces). It also provides original Helm commands: `helm-cider-spec', `helm-cider-spec-ns', `helm-cider-repl-history', `helm-cider-cheatsheet'. …

emacs-helm-clojuredocs 0.3-1.5a7f0f2

This package provides a Helm interface to lookup Clojure documentation on `' with Helm. Two function are exposed: * `helm-clojuredocs': opens a Helm session with no initial pattern. Searching …

emacs-helm-company 0.2.5

This is a Helm interface to company-mode, a text completion framework. …

emacs-helm-dash 1.3.0-2.7f853bd

This package uses Helm to install and navigate through Dash docsets. …

emacs-helm-descbinds 1.13-1.033be73

This package is a replacement of `describe-bindings' for Helm. `describe-bindings' is replaced with `helm-descbinds'. As usual, type `C-h b', or any incomplete key sequence plus `C-h', to run `helm-descbinds'. The bindings…

emacs-helm-emms 1.3-3.37e5aa0

Helm interface for Emms to browse all tracks and all folders from `emms-source-file-default-directory'. …

emacs-helm-eww 1.2

This package provides a Helm interface for EWW buffers, bookmarks and history. …

emacs-helm-exwm 0.0.2

`helm-exwm' runs a Helm session over the list of EXWM buffers. `helm-exwm-switch' is a convenience X application launcher using Helm to switch between the various windows of one or several specific applications.…

emacs-helm-firefox 0.0.1-1.0ad34b7

Display firefox bookmarks with Emacs Helm interface …

emacs-helm-fish-completion 0.5

Helm Fish Completion is a Helm interface for Emacs fish-completion. It can be used in both Eshell and M-x shell. …

emacs-helm-flycheck 0.4-1.3cf7d3b

This integrates Flycheck with Helm. …

emacs-helm-gtags 1.5.7

`emacs-helm-gtags' provides a Emacs Helm interface to GNU Global. …

emacs-helm-lacarte 0-1.40a6c44

This package provides a Helm interface to `lacarte.el', a package that displays mode-specific commands as menu items. …

emacs-helm-linux-disks 0.1-1.2cdc811

This package provides a Helm interface to run operations on removable volumes in Linux. …

emacs-helm-ls-git 1.9.1-1.76654c7

This package provides a Helm interface for Git files. * Display the open buffers in project. * Display a status source showing state of project (modified…

emacs-helm-lsp 0.1-1.3a58ca4

This package enhances `helm' with completion for symbols from workspaces with a LSP-compliant server running. …

emacs-helm-make 0.1.0-1.feae8df

`helm-make' or `helm-make-projectile' will give you a `helm' selection of directory Makefile's targets. Selecting a target will call `compile' on it. …

emacs-helm-mode-manager 1.0.0

This package provides a Helm interface for toggling Emacs major or minor mode. * `helm-switch-major-mode' list of all major modes * `helm-enable-minor-mode' list of all inactive…

emacs-helm-mu 20180513-1.77e6fea

Helm sources for searching emails and contacts using `mu' and `mu4e'. Mu is an indexer for maildirs and mu4e is a mutt-like MUA for Emacs build on top of mu. Mu…

emacs-helm-notmuch 1.2

This package can be used to search emails in Emacs, searching result displays as you type thanks to Helm, though `notmuch-search' does the real search. …

emacs-helm-org 1.0-3.8457e1e

This package provides a frontend for grepping tools like ag and ack, as well as features for editing search results. …

emacs-helm-org-contacts 20200310-1.e7f1161

This Helm source can be used to search contacts stored in org-contacts format. There are actions for inserting postal addresses, email addresses, and phone numbers in the buffer where `helm-org-contacts' was called. …

emacs-helm-org-rifle 1.7.0

This package searches both headings and contents of entries in Org buffers and displays matching entries. …

emacs-helm-pass 0.3

Users of `helm-pass' may also be interested in functionality provided by other Emacs packages dealing with pass: * `emacs-password-store', which `helm-pass' relies on. * `emacs-pass', a major…

emacs-helm-projectile 1.0.0

This Emacs library provides a Helm interface for Projectile. …

emacs-helm-selector 0.3

Helm Selector is a collection of Helm helper functions for convenient buffer selection. It is especially helpful to create Helm sessions to navigate buffers of a given mode in a “do what I…

emacs-helm-shell-history 0.1-1.110d3c3

This package provides an Emacs Helm interface to search throw a shell history. …

emacs-helm-slime 0.4.0

Helm-SLIME defines a few new commands: * helm-slime-complete: Select a symbol from the SLIME completion systems. * helm-slime-list-connections: Yet another slime-list-connections with Helm. *…

emacs-helm-sly 0.4.1

Helm-SLY defines a few new commands: * helm-sly-list-connections: Yet another Lisp connection list with Helm. * : helm-sly-apropos: Yet another `apropos' with Helm. *…

emacs-helm-swoop 3.0.0

This package builds on the Helm interface to provide several commands for search-based navigation of buffers. …

emacs-helm-system-packages 1.10.1-1.6572340

List all available packages in Helm (with installed packages displayed in their own respective face). Fuzzy-search, mark and execute the desired action over any selections of packages: Install, uninstall, display packages…

emacs-helm-taskrunner 0.9-1.1910dac

This package provides a Helm interface for selecting Makefile targets. …

emacs-helm-wikipedia 0.0.0-1.126f044

This package provides an Emacs Helm interface for search suggestions and article extracts for Wikipedia. …

emacs-helm-wordnut 0.1-1.9681a95

This package is merely a combination of two other Emacs packages: `helm-wordnet' and `wordnut'. It features word completion with Helm and displays a buffer of all the different result types available…

emacs-helpful 0.17

`helpful' is an alternative to the built-in Emacs help that provides much more contextual information. * Show the source code for interactively defined functions (unlike the …

emacs-hercules 0.2.1

This package provides sticky-key-like functionality to obviate the need for repeated prefix-key sequences, and can reuse existing keymaps. The list of commands is displayed in a handy popup. …

emacs-hide-mode-line 1.0.2

A minor mode that hides the mode-line in your current buffer. It can be used to toggle an alternative mode-line, toggle its visibility, or simply disable the mode-line in buffers where…

emacs-hierarchy 0.7.0

This package provides an Emacs library to create, query, navigate and display hierarchy structures. …

emacs-highlight 0.0.0

This library adds the possibility for ad-hoc applying highlighting to any face in GNU Emacs. The functionality of this library depends on overlays, which by default are not picked up when…

emacs-highlight-defined 0.1.5

Minor mode providing syntax highlighting of known Emacs Lisp symbols. Currently the code distinguishes Lisp functions, built-in functions, macros, faces and variables. To enable call `highlight-defined-mode'. …

emacs-highlight-escape-sequences 0.4-0.08d846a

`highlight-escape-sequences' provides an Emacs minor mode to escape sequences in code. …

emacs-highlight-indent-guides 0.8.5-0.c2c9de4

This package provides a minor mode to highlight indentation levels via font-lock. Indent widths are dynamically discovered, which means this correctly highlights in any mode, regardless of indent width, even in…

emacs-highlight-indentation 0.7.0-1.d03803f

This package provides two minor modes to highlight indentation guides in Emacs: 1. `highlight-indentation-mode', which displays guidelines indentation (space indentation only). 2. `highlight-indentation-current-column-mode', which…

emacs-highlight-numbers 0.2.3

`highlight-numbers-mode' provides a minor mode for syntax highlighting of numeric literals in source code. It s customizable: it's easy to add or redefine what exactly consitutes a "number" in given major mode. …

emacs-highlight-sexp 1.0

This Emacs package highlights the s-exp at the current position. …

emacs-highlight-stages 1.1.0-1.29cbc5b

`highlight-stages' provides an Emacs minor mode that highlights quasi-quoted expressions. …

emacs-highlight-symbol 1.3-1.7a789c7

Use `highlight-symbol' to toggle highlighting of the symbol at point throughout the current buffer. Use `highlight-symbol-mode' to keep the symbol at point highlighted. The functions `highlight-symbol-next', `highlight-symbol-prev', `highlight-symbol-next-in-defun' and `highlight-symbol-prev-in-defun' allow for cycling through…

emacs-hl-todo 3.1.2

This package provides an Emacs mode to highlight TODO and similar keywords in comments and strings. This package also provides commands for moving to the next or previous keyword and to…

emacs-hlint-refactor-mode 0.0.1-1.c4307f8

This package applies refactoring suggestions from `hlint'. …

emacs-howm 1.4.6

Howm is a note-taking tool for Emacs. Like code{emacs-wiki.el …

emacs-ht 2.2

This package simplifies the use of hash tables in elisp. It also provides functions to convert hash tables from and to alists and plists. …

emacs-htmlize 1.55

`emacs-htmlize' converts the buffer text and the associated decorations to HTML. Output to CSS, inline CSS and fonts is supported. …

emacs-hy-mode 1.0.4

This package provides a major mode for Hylang. …

emacs-hydra 0.15.0

This package can be used to tie related commands into a family of short bindings with a common prefix---a Hydra. Once you summon the Hydra (through the prefixed binding), all the…

emacs-hyperbole 7.1.2

GNU Hyperbole, or just Hyperbole, is an easy-to-use, yet powerful and programmable hypertextual information management system implemented as a GNU Emacs package. It offers rapid views and interlinking of all kinds…

emacs-ibuffer-projectile 0.2-2.7649621

Adds functionality to Emacs `ibuffer' for grouping buffers by their projectile root directory. …

emacs-icomplete-vertical 0.1

This package defines a global minor mode to display Icomplete completion candidates vertically. …

emacs-idle-highlight 1.1.3

This Emacs package provides `idle-highlight-mode' that sets an idle timer to highlight all occurrences in the buffer of the word under the point. …

emacs-ido-completing-read+ 3.12

The ido-completing-read+ function is a wrapper for ido-completing-read. Importantly, it detects edge cases that ordinary ido cannot handle and either adjusts them so ido can handle them, or else simply falls back…

emacs-ido-ubiquitous 3.12

Ido-ubiquitous enables ido-style completion for almost every function that uses the standard completion function completing-read. …

emacs-ido-vertical-mode 0.1.6

Makes ido-mode display prospects vertically. …

emacs-idris-mode 1.0-0.b77eadd

This is an Emacs mode for editing Idris code. It is compatible with the latest versions of Idris 1. …

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