Packages — G (Page 11 of 15)

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go-github-com-mattn-go-shellwords 1.0.5-1.2444a32

This package parses text into shell arguments. Based on the `cpan' module `Parse::CommandLine'. …

go-github-com-mattn-go-zglob 0.0.1

A glob library that implements descending into other directories. It is optimized for filewalking. …

go-github-com-matttproud-golang-protobuf-extensions-pbutil 1.0.0-0.c12348c

This package provides various Protocol Buffer extensions for the Go language, namely support for record length-delimited message streaming. …

go-github-com-mgutz-ansi 0.0.0-0.9520e82

This package provides `ansi', a Go module that can generate ANSI colored strings. …

go-github-com-michiwend-golang-pretty 0.0.0-0.8ac6181

Package `pretty' provides pretty-printing for Go values. This is useful during debugging, to avoid wrapping long output lines in the terminal. It provides a function, `Formatter', that can be used with…

go-github-com-michiwend-gomusicbrainz 0.0.0-0.0cdeb13

Currently GoMusicBrainz provides methods to perform search and lookup requests. Browse requests are not supported yet. …

go-github-com-microcosm-cc-bluemonday 1.0.3

`bluemonday' is a HTML sanitizer implemented in Go. …

go-github-com-minio-blake2b-simd 0.0.0-0.3f5f724

This package was initially based on the pure go BLAKE2b implementation of Dmitry Chestnykh and merged with the (cgo dependent) AVX optimized BLAKE2 implementation (which in turn is based on the official…

go-github-com-minio-sha256-simd 0.1.1

Accelerate SHA256 computations in pure Go using AVX512 and AVX2 for Intel and ARM64 for ARM. On AVX512 it provides an up to 8x improvement (over 3 GB/s per core) in…

go-github-com-mitchellh-copystructure 1.0.0

`copystructure' is a Go library for deep copying values in Go. This allows you to copy Go values that may contain reference values such as maps, slices, or pointers, and copy their…

go-github-com-mitchellh-go-homedir 1.0.0-0.ae18d6b

This is a Go library for detecting the user's home directory without the use of `cgo', so the library can be used in cross-compilation environments. Usage is simple, just call homedir.Dir() to…

go-github-com-mitchellh-mapstructure 1.1.2

Go library for decoding generic map values …

go-github-com-mitchellh-reflectwalk 1.0.1

reflectwalk is a Go library for "walking" a value in Go using reflection, in the same way a directory tree can be "walked" on the filesystem. Walking a complex structure can…

go-github-com-mr-tron-base58 1.1.0-0.d724c80

Fast implementation of base58 encoding on Golang. A trivial `big.Int' encoding benchmark results in 6 times faster encoding and 8 times faster decoding. …

go-github-com-muesli-reflow-ansi 0.1.0

This package provides a collection of ANSI-aware methods and io.Writers helping you to transform blocks of text. …

go-github-com-muesli-reflow-indent 0.1.0

This package provides a collection of ANSI-aware methods and io.Writers helping you to transform blocks of text. …

go-github-com-muesli-reflow-padding 0.1.0

This package provides a collection of ANSI-aware methods and io.Writers helping you to transform blocks of text. …

go-github-com-muesli-reflow-wordwrap 0.1.0

This package provides a collection of ANSI-aware methods and io.Writers helping you to transform blocks of text. …

go-github-com-muesli-termenv 0.7.0

termenv lets you safely use advanced styling options on the terminal. It gathers information about the terminal environment in terms of its ANSI and color support and offers you convenient methods…

go-github-com-multiformats-go-multiaddr 1.3.0-0.fe1c46f

Multiaddr is a standard way to represent addresses that does the following: * Support any standard network protocols. * Self-describe (include protocols). * Have…

go-github-com-multiformats-go-multiaddr-net 1.6.3-0.1cb9a0e

This package provides Multiaddr specific versions of common functions in stdlib's `net' package. This means wrappers of standard net symbols like `net.Dial' and `net.Listen', as well as conversion to and from…

go-github-com-multiformats-go-multihash 1.0.8-0.97cdb56

Multihash implementation in Go. …

go-github-com-olekukonko-tablewriter 0.0.4

This package allows to generate ASCII table. Features: * automatic Padding * support Multiple Lines * supports Alignment * support Custom…

go-github-com-oschwald-geoip2-golang 1.4.0

This package provides a library for reading MaxMind GeoLite2 and GeoIP2 databases in Go. …

go-github-com-oschwald-maxminddb-golang 1.4.0

This is a Go reader for the MaxMind DB format. Although this can be used to read GeoLite2 and GeoIP2 databases, `geoip2' provides a higher-level API for doing so. …

go-github-com-pbnjay-memory 0.0.0-1.974d429

`memory' provides a single method reporting total physical system memory accessible to the kernel. It does not account for memory used by other processes. …

go-github-com-pelletier-go-toml 1.8.0

Go library for the TOML configuration language …

go-github-com-petermattis-goid 0.0.0-1.b0b1615

This package offers a method of programmatically retrieving the current goroutine's ID. …

go-github-com-pkg-diff 0.0.1-1.5319263

This package provides a Go library to create and print diffs. …

go-github-com-pkg-errors 0.9.1

This package provides `error', which offers simple error handling primitives in Go. …

go-github-com-pmezard-go-difflib 1.0.0

This package provides unified and context-aware diffs in Go. …

go-github-com-prometheus-client-golang 1.2.1

This package `promhttp' provides HTTP client and server tools for Prometheus metrics. …

go-github-com-prometheus-client-model 0.0.2-2.14fe0d1

This package provides data model artifacts for Prometheus. …

go-github-com-prometheus-common 0.4.1

This package provides tools for reading and writing Prometheus metrics. …

go-github-com-prometheus-node-exporter 0.18.1

Prometheus exporter for metrics exposed by *NIX kernels, written in Go with pluggable metric collectors. …

go-github-com-prometheus-procfs 0.0.4

The `procfs' Go package provides functions to retrieve system, kernel, and process metrics from the `/proc' pseudo file system. …

go-github-com-puerkitobio-goquery 1.5.1

`goquery' brings a syntax and a set of features similar to jQuery to the Go language. …

go-github-com-rcrowley-go-metrics 0.0.0-2.cac0b30

This package provides a Go implementation of Coda Hale's Metrics library. …

go-github-com-rifflock-lfshook 2.4

This package provides a hook for Logrus to write directly to a file on the file system. The log levels are dynamic at instantiation of the hook, so it is capable…

go-github-com-robfig-cron 3.0.1

This package provides a cron library for Go. It implements a cron spec parser and job runner. …

go-github-com-rogpeppe-go-internal 1.6.1

This repository factors out an opinionated selection of internal packages and functionality from the Go standard library. Currently this consists mostly of packages and testing code from within the Go tool…

go-github-com-russross-blackfriday 2.0.1

Blackfriday is a Markdown processor in Go. …

go-github-com-sabhiram-go-gitignore 1.0.2-0.d310757

A `.gitignore' parser for Go. …

go-github-com-sasha-s-go-deadlock 0.2.0

This package provides tools for detecting deadlocks at run-time in Go. …

go-github-com-sergi-go-diff 1.1.0

`go-diff' offers algorithms to perform operations required for synchronizing plain text: * compare two texts and return their differences * perform fuzzy matching of text …

go-github-com-shirou-gopsutil v2.19.7-0.47ef326

This package provides a library for retrieving information on running processes and system utilization (CPU, memory, disks, network, sensors). …

go-github-com-shurcool-sanitized-anchor-name 1.0.0

This package provides a Go program for creating sanitized anchor names. …

go-github-com-sirupsen-logrus 1.0.5

Logrus is a structured logger for Go, completely API compatible with the standard library logger. …

go-github-com-spaolacci-murmur3 1.1.0

Native Go implementation of Austin Appleby's third MurmurHash revision (aka MurmurHash3). Reference algorithm has been slightly hacked as to support the streaming mode required by Go's standard Hash interface. …

go-github-com-spf13-afero 1.2.2

This package provides a file system abstraction for Go. …

go-github-com-spf13-cast 1.3.1

Safe and easy casting from one type to another in Go …

go-github-com-spf13-cobra 1.0.0

Cobra is both a library for creating powerful modern CLI applications as well as a program to generate applications and command files. …

go-github-com-spf13-jwalterweatherman 1.1.0

Go logging library …

go-github-com-spf13-pflag 1.0.5

Pflag is library to replace Go's `flag' package. It implements POSIX/GNU-style command-line options with double hyphens. It is is compatible with the GNU extensions ( to the POSIX recommendations for command-line options. …

go-github-com-spf13-viper 1.7.0

Viper is a complete configuration solution for Go applications including 12-Factor apps. It is designed to work within an application, and can handle all types of configuration needs and formats. …

go-github-com-stathat-go 0.0.0-0.74669b9

This is a Go package for posting to a StatHat account. …

go-github-com-stevedonovan-luar 0.0.0-0.22d247e

Luar is designed to make using Lua from Go more convenient. Go structs, slices and maps can be automatically converted to Lua tables and vice-versa. The resulting conversion can either…

go-github-com-stretchr-objx 0.2.0

This package provides a Go library for dealing with maps, slices, JSON and other data. …

go-github-com-stretchr-testify 1.5.1

This package provide many tools for testifying that your code will behave as you intend. Features include: * Easy assertions * Mocking * HTTP response trapping …

go-github-com-subosito-gotenv 1.2.0

Go library for loading environment variables from files …

go-github-com-surge-glog 0.0.0-1.2578deb

Leveled execution logs for Go. …

go-github-com-surgebase-porter2 0.0.0-1.56e4718

Porter2 implements the english Porter2 stemmer ( It is written completely using finite state machines to do suffix comparison, rather than the string-based or tree-based approaches. …

go-github-com-syncthing-notify 0.0.0-5.69c7a95

This package provides `notify', a file system event notification library in Go. …

go-github-com-syndtr-goleveldb 1.0.1-4.7581283

This is an implementation of the LevelDB key / value database in Go. …

go-github-com-tevino-abool 0.0.0-0.3c25f2f

This package is atomic boolean library for Go code, optimized for performance yet simple to use. …

go-github-com-thejerf-suture 3.0.2

Suture provides Erlang-ish supervisor trees for Go. "Supervisor trees" -> "sutree" -> "suture" -> holds your code together when it's trying to die. It is intended to deal gracefully with the…

go-github-com-tj-docopt 1.0.0

This library allows the user to define a command-line interface from a program's help message rather than specifying it programmatically with command-line parsers. …

go-github-com-twmb-murmur3 1.1.3

Native Go implementation of Austin Appleby's third MurmurHash revision (aka MurmurHash3). Reference algorithm has been slightly hacked as to support the streaming mode required by Go's standard Hash interface. …

go-github-com-twpayne-go-shell 0.3.0

Package `shell' returns a user's shell across multiple platforms. …

go-github-com-twpayne-go-vfs 1.5.0

Package `vfs' provides an abstraction of the `os' and `ioutil' packages that is easy to test. …

go-github-com-twpayne-go-vfsafero 1.0.0

Package `vfsafero' provides a compatibility later between `go-github-com-twpayne-go-vfs' and `go-github-com-spf13-afero'. …

go-github-com-twpayne-go-xdg 3.1.0

Package `xdg' provides functions related to `'. …

go-github-com-urfave-cli 1.22.2

`cli' is a simple, fast, and fun package for building command line apps in Go. The goal is to enable developers to write fast and distributable command line applications in an expressive…

go-github-com-vitrun-qart 0.0.0-0.bf64b92

This package provides a library for embedding human-meaningful graphics in QR codes. However, instead of scribbling on redundant pieces and relying on error correction to preserve the meaning, `qart' engineers the…

go-github-com-whyrusleeping-gx-util 0.14.3

`gx' is a packaging tool built around the distributed, content addressed file system IPFS. It aims to be flexible, powerful and simple. …

go-github-com-whyrusleeping-json-filter 0.0.0-0.ff25329

A library to query JSON objects marshalled into `map[string]interface '. …

go-github-com-whyrusleeping-progmeter 0.0.0-0.f3e5721

Progress meter for Go. …

go-github-com-whyrusleeping-stump 0.0.0-0.206f8f1

A simple log library, for when you don't really care to have super fancy logs. …

go-github-com-whyrusleeping-tar-utils 0.0.0-0.8c6c8ba

Tar utilities extracted from `go-ipfs' codebase. …

go-github-com-willf-bitset 1.1.10

This package provides a Go implementation of bitsets, which are a mapping between non-negative integers and boolean values focused on efficient space usage. …

go-github-com-willf-bloom 2.0.3

This package provides a Go implementation of bloom filters, based on murmurhash. …

go-github-com-wtolson-go-taglib 0.0.0-0.6e68349

Go wrapper for taglib …

go-github-com-xanzy-ssh-agent 0.2.1

Package agent implements the ssh-agent protocol, and provides both a client and a server. The client can talk to a standard ssh-agent that uses UNIX sockets, and one could implement an…

go-github-com-yookoala-realpath 0.0.0-0.d19ef9c

This package provides `realpath', a Go module that when provided with a valid relative path / alias path, it will return you with a string of its real absolute path in the…

go-github-com-yuin-goldmark 1.2.1

This package provides a markdown parser. …

go-github-com-zalando-go-keyring 0.1.0

`go-keyring' is a library for setting, getting and deleting secrets from the system keyring. …

go-github-go-git 5.1.0

This package provides a Git implementation library. … 0.0.0-0.bf9dde6

`gopass' is a Go package for retrieving a password from user terminal or piped input. … 1.3.0

The `flags' package provides a command line option parser. The functionality is similar to the go builtin `flag' package, but `flags' provides more options and uses reflection to provide a succinct… 4.20

The `gls' package provides a way to store a retrieve values per-goroutine. … 0.0.4-1.703b5e6

The `runewidth' library provides Go functions for padding, measuring and checking the width of strings, with support for East Asian text. … 0.0.0-0.97dfcc1

Gothic contains Go bindings for Tcl/Tk. The package contains only one type and one function that can be used to create a Tk interpreter. … 0.0.0-1.288510b

Termbox is a library that provides a minimalistic API which allows the programmer to write text-based user interfaces. … 1.8.1

The `assertions' package provides convenient assertion functions for writing tests in Go. … 1.6.3

GoConvey is a testing tool for Go. It integrates with go test, can show test coverage and has a web user interface that will refresh automatically. … 1.0.0

`gunit' allows the test author to use a struct as the scope for a group of related test cases, in the style of xUnit fixtures. This makes extraction of setup/teardown behavior…

go-gitlab-com-ambrevar-damerau 0.0.0-0.883829e

This is a spelling corrector implementing the Damerau-Levenshtein distance. Takes a string value input from the user. Looks for an identical word on a list of words, if none is found,…

go-gitlab-com-ambrevar-golua-unicode 0.0.0-0.97ce517

This extension to Arzilli's Golua adds Unicode support to all functions from the Lua string library. Lua patterns are replaced by Go regexps. This breaks compatibility with Lua, but Unicode…

go-golang-org-colorful 1.0.2

This package implements Go's `color.Color' interface and provides a means of converting colors stored as RGB to various colorspaces. …

go-golang-org-rainycape-unidecode 0.0.0-1.cb7f23e

Unicode transliterator in Golang - Replaces non-ASCII characters with their ASCII approximations. …

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