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texlive-latex-filecontents 51265

LaTeX2e's `filecontents' and `filecontents*' environments enable a LaTeX source file to generate external files as it runs through LaTeX. However, there are two limitations of these environments: they refuse to overwrite…

texlive-latex-float 51265

This package improves the interface for defining floating objects such as figures and tables. It introduces the boxed float, the ruled float and the plaintop float. You can define your…

texlive-latex-fncychap 51265

This package provides seven predefined chapter heading styles. Each style can be modified using a set of simple commands. Optionally one can modify the formatting routines in order to create…

texlive-latex-fontspec 51265

Fontspec is a package for XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX. It provides an automatic and unified interface to feature-rich AAT and OpenType fonts through the NFSS in LaTeX running on XeTeX or LuaTeX…

texlive-latex-footmisc 51265

This is a collection of ways to change the typesetting of footnotes. The package provides means of changing the layout of the footnotes themselves, a way to number footnotes per page,…

texlive-latex-framed 51265

The package creates three environments: `framed', which puts an ordinary frame box around the region, `shaded', which shades the region, and `leftbar', which places a line at the left side. The…

texlive-latex-g-brief 51265

This package is designed for formatting formless letters in German; it can also be used for English (by those who can read the documentation). There are LaTeX 2.09 `documentstyle' and LaTeX…

texlive-latex-galois 51265

The package deals with connections in two-dimensional style, optionally in colour. …

texlive-latex-gcite 51265

The package allows citations in the German style, which is considered by many to be particularly reader-friendly. The citation provides a small amount of bibliographic information in a footnote on the…

texlive-latex-geometry 51265

This package provides an easy and flexible user interface to customize page layout, implementing auto-centering and auto-balancing mechanisms so that the users have only to give the least description for the page…

texlive-latex-graphics 51265

This is a collection of LaTeX packages for producing color, including graphics (e.g. PostScript) files, and rotation and scaling of text in LaTeX documents. It comprises the packages color, graphics, graphicx,…

texlive-latex-hyperref 6.84a2

The `hyperref' package is used to handle cross-referencing commands in LaTeX to produce hypertext links in the document. The package provides backends for the `\special' set defined for HyperTeX DVI processors;…

texlive-latex-ifplatform 51265

This package uses the (La)TeX extension `-shell-escape' to establish whether the document is being processed on a Windows or on a Unix-like system, or on Cygwin (Unix environment over a Windows system).…

texlive-latex-jknapltx 51265

This package provides miscellaneous macros by Joerg Knappen, including: represent counters in greek; Maxwell's non-commutative division; `latin1jk', `latin2jk' and `latin3jk', which are `inputenc' definition files that allow verbatim input in the respective ISO…

texlive-latex-koma-script 51265

The KOMA-Script bundle provides replacements for the article, report, and book classes with emphasis on typography and versatility. There is also a letter class. The bundle also offers: * a…

texlive-latex-l3kernel 51265

The l3kernel bundle provides an implementation of the LaTeX3 programmers’ interface, as a set of packages that run under LaTeX 2e. The interface provides the foundation on which the LaTeX3 kernel…

texlive-latex-l3packages 51265

This bundle holds prototype implementations of concepts for a LaTeX designer interface, to be used with the experimental LaTeX kernel as programming tools and kernel sup port. Packages provided in this…

texlive-latex-lh 51265

The LH fonts address the problem of the wide variety of alphabets that are written with Cyrillic-style characters. The fonts are the original basis of the set of T2* and X2…

texlive-latex-listings 51265

The package enables the user to typeset programs (programming code) within LaTeX; the source code is read directly by TeX---no front-end processor is needed. Keywords, comments and strings can be typeset…

texlive-latex-mdwtools 51265

This collection of tools includes: `atsupport' for short commands starting with `@', macros to sanitize the OT1 encoding of the `cmtt' fonts; a `doafter' command; improved `footnote' support; `mathenv' for various alignment…

texlive-latex-media9 51265

The package provides an interface to embed interactive Flash (SWF) and 3D objects (Adobe U3D & PRC), as well as video and sound files or streams in the popular MP4, FLV and…

texlive-latex-mflogo 51265

This package provides LaTeX and font definition files to access the Knuthian mflogo fonts described in The Metafontbook and to typeset Metafont logos in LaTeX documents. …

texlive-latex-ms 51265

A bundle of LATEX packages by Martin Schröder; the collection comprises: * `count1to', make use of fixed TEX counters; * `everysel', set commands to execute every…

texlive-latex-multirow 51265

The package provides tools for creating tabular cells spanning multiple rows. It has a lot of flexibility, including an option for specifying an entry at the "natural" width of its text. …

texlive-latex-natbib 51265

This bundle provides a package that implements both author-year and numbered references, as well as much detailed of support for other bibliography use. Also provided are versions of the standard BibTeX…

texlive-latex-needspace 51265

Provides commands to disable pagebreaking within a given vertical space. If there is not enough space between the command and the bottom of the page, a new page will be started. …

texlive-latex-oberdiek 51265

The bundle comprises various LaTeX packages, providing among others: better accessibility support for PDF files; extensible chemists reaction arrows; record information about document class(es) used; and many more. …

texlive-latex-ocgx2 51265

This package provides OCG (Optional Content Groups) support within a PDF document. It re-implements the functionality of the `ocg', `ocgx', and `ocg-p' packages and adds support for all known engines and back-ends including: …

texlive-latex-overpic 51265

The `overpic' environment is a cross between the LaTeX `picture' environment and the `\includegraphics' command of `graphicx'. The resulting picture environment has the same dimensions as the included graphic. LaTeX…

texlive-latex-parskip 51265

Simply changing `\parskip' and `\parindent' leaves a layout that is untidy; this package (though it is no substitute for a properly designed class) helps alleviate this untidiness. …

texlive-latex-pdfpages 51265

This package simplifies the inclusion of external multi-page PDF documents in LaTeX documents. Pages may be freely selected and it is possible to put several logical pages onto each sheet of…

texlive-latex-pdfx 51265

This package helps LaTeX users to create PDF/X, PDF/A and other standards-compliant PDF documents with pdfTeX, LuaTeX and XeTeX. …

texlive-latex-pgf 51265

PGF is a macro package for creating graphics. It is platform- and format-independent and works together with the most important TeX backend drivers, including pdfTeX and dvips. It comes with…

texlive-latex-polyglossia 51265

This package provides a complete Babel replacement for users of LuaLaTeX and XeLaTeX; it relies on the `fontspec' package, version 2.0 at least. …

texlive-latex-preview 51265

The main purpose of the preview package is the extraction of selected elements from a LaTeX source, like formulas or graphics, into separate pages of a DVI file. A flexible and…

texlive-latex-psfrag 51265

This package allows LaTeX constructions (equations, picture environments, etc.) to be precisely superimposed over Encapsulated PostScript figures, using your own favorite drawing tool to create an EPS figure and placing simple text…

texlive-latex-psnfss 51265

The PSNFSS collection includes a set of files that provide a complete working setup of the LaTeX font selection scheme (NFSS2) for use with common PostScript fonts. It covers the so-called…

texlive-latex-readarray 51265

This package allows the user to input formatted data into elements of a 2-D or 3-D array and to recall that data at will by individual cell number. The data can…

texlive-latex-subfigure 51265

This (deprecated) package provides support for the manipulation and reference of small or "sub" figures and tables within a single figure or table environment. It is convenient to use this package when…

texlive-latex-supertabular 51265

This package was a predecessor of `longtable'; the newer package (designed on quite different principles) is easier to use and more flexible, in many cases, but supertabular retains its usefulness in a…

texlive-latex-tabulary 51265

The package defines a `tabular*'-like environment, `tabulary', taking a "total width" argument as well as the column specifications. The environment uses column types `L', `C', `R' and `J' for variable width…

texlive-latex-threeparttable 51265

This package facilitates tables with titles (captions) and notes. The title and notes are given a width equal to the body of the table (a `tabular' environment). By itself, a…

texlive-latex-titlesec 51265

This package provides an interface to sectioning commands for selection from various title styles, e.g. for marginal titles and to change the font of all headings with a single command, also…

texlive-latex-tools 51265

This package is a collection of (variously) simple tools provided as part of the LaTeX required tools distribution, comprising the following packages: afterpage, array, bm, calc, dcolumn, delarray, enumerate, fileerr, fontsmpl, ftnright, hhline,…

texlive-latex-trimspaces 51265

This very short package allows you to expandably remove spaces around a token list (commands are provided to remove spaces before, spaces after, or both); or to remove surrounding spaces within a…

texlive-latex-type1cm 51265

LaTeX, by default, restricts the sizes at which you can use its default computer modern fonts, to a fixed set of discrete sizes (effectively, a set specified by Knuth). The `type1cm'…

texlive-latex-ucs 51265

The bundle provides the `ucs' package, and `utf8x.def', together with a large number of support files. The `utf8x.def' definition file for use with `inputenc' covers a wider range of Unicode characters…

texlive-latex-upquote 51265

Typewriter-style fonts are best for program listings, but Computer Modern Typewriter prints ``' and `'' as bent opening and closing single quotes. Other fonts, and most programming languages, print ``' as…

texlive-latex-varwidth 51265

The `varwidth' environment is superficially similar to `minipage', but the specified width is just a maximum value — the box may get a narrower “natural” width. …

texlive-latex-verbatimbox 51265

The package provides a `verbbox' environment to place its contents into a globally available box, or into a box specified by the user. The global box may then be used in…

texlive-latex-wasysym 51265

The wasy2WASY2 (Waldi Symbol) font by Roland Waldi provides many glyphs like male and female symbols and astronomical symbols, as well as the complete lasy font set and other odds and ends.…

texlive-latex-wrapfig 51265

This package allows figures or tables to have text wrapped around them. It does not work in combination with list environments, but can be used in a `parbox' or `minipage', and…

texlive-latex-xkeyval 51265

This package is an extension of the keyval package and offers additional macros for setting keys and declaring and setting class or package options. The package allows the programmer to specify…

texlive-latex-xmpincl 51265

The XMP (eXtensible Metadata platform) is a framework to add metadata to digital material to enhance the workflow in publication. The essence is that the metadata is stored in an XML…

texlive-latexconfig 51265

The package provides configuration files for LaTeX-related formats. …

texlive-lm 51265

The Latin Modern fonts are derived from the famous Computer Modern fonts designed by Donald E. Knuth and described in Volume E of his Computers & Typesetting series. …

texlive-luatex-lualibs 2.5

Lualibs is a collection of Lua modules useful for general programming. The bundle is based on Lua modules shipped with ConTeXt, and made available in this bundle for use independent of…

texlive-luatex-luaotfload 2.8-fix-2

Luaotfload is an adaptation of the ConTeXt font loading system for the Plain and LaTeX formats. It allows OpenType fonts to be loaded with font features accessible using an extended font…

texlive-marginnote 51265

This package provides the command `\marginnote' that may be used instead of `\marginpar' at almost every place where `\marginpar' cannot be used, e.g., inside floats, footnotes, or in frames made with the…

texlive-metafont-base 51265

This package provides the Metafont base files needed to build fonts using the Metafont system. …

texlive-metapost 51265

MetaPost uses a language based on that of Metafont to produce precise technical illustrations. Its output is scalable PostScript or SVG, rather than the bitmaps Metafont creates. …

texlive-mflogo-font 51265

These fonts were created in METAFONT by Knuth, for his own publications. At some stage, the letters P and S were added, so that the METAPOST logo could also be expressed.…

texlive-mkpattern 51265

Mkpattern is a general purpose program for the generation of hyphenation patterns, with definition of letter sets and template-like constructions. It also provides an easy way to handle different input and…

texlive-palatino 51265

This package provides a drop-in replacements for the Palatino font from Adobe's basic set. …

texlive-pst-text 51265

Pst-text is a PSTricks based package for plotting text along a different path and manipulating characters. It includes the functionality of the old package `pst-char'. …

texlive-pstool 51265

This is a package for processing PostScript graphics with `psfrag' labels within pdfLaTeX documents. Every graphic is compiled individually, drastically speeding up compilation time when only a single figure needs re-processing. …

texlive-pstricks 51265

PSTricks offers an extensive collection of macros for generating PostScript that is usable with most TeX macro formats, including Plain TeX, LaTeX, AMS-TeX, and AMS-LaTeX. Included are macros for colour, graphics,…

texlive-ruhyphen 51265

The package provides a collection of Russian hyphenation patterns supporting a number of Cyrillic font encodings, including T2, UCY (Omega Unicode Cyrillic), LCY, LWN (OT2), and koi8-r. …

texlive-seminar 51265

This package provides a class that produces overhead slides (transparencies), with many facilities. Seminar is not nowadays reckoned a good basis for a presentation — users are advised to use more…

texlive-siunitx 51265

Typesetting values with units requires care to ensure that the combined mathematical meaning of the value plus unit combination is clear. In particular, the SI units system lays down a consistent…

texlive-standalone 51265

A class and package is provided which allows TeX pictures or other TeX code to be compiled standalone or as part of a main document. Special support for pictures with beamer…

texlive-tetex 51265

This package provides font maps that were originally part of the now obsolete teTeX distributions but are still used at the core of the TeX Live distribution. …

texlive-tex-ini-files 51265

This bundle provides a collection of model ".ini" files for creating TeX formats. These files are commonly used to introduced distribution-dependent variations in formats. They are also used to allow…

texlive-tex-plain 51265

This package contains files used to build the Plain TeX format, as described in the TeXbook, together with various supporting files (some also discussed in the book). …

texlive-tex-texinfo 51265

Texinfo is the preferred format for documentation in the GNU project; the format may be used to produce online or printed output from a single source. The Texinfo macros may be…

texlive-times 51265

This package provides a drop-in replacements for the Times font from Adobe's basic set. …

texlive-tiny 51265

This is a very limited subset of the TeX Live distribution. It includes little more than the required set of LaTeX packages. …

texlive-tools 51265

This package provides a collection of simple tools that are part of the LaTeX required tools distribution, comprising the packages: `afterpage', `array', `bm', `calc', `dcolumn', `delarray', `enumerate', `fileerr', `fontsmpl', `ftnright', `hhline', `indentfirst', `layout',…

texlive-txfonts 51265

Txfonts supplies virtual text roman fonts using Adobe Times (or URW NimbusRomNo9L) with some modified and additional text symbols in the OT1, T1, and TS1 encodings; maths alphabets using Times/URW Nimbus; maths…

texlive-ukrhyph 51265

The package provides a range of hyphenation patterns for Ukrainian, depending on the encoding of the output font including the standard T2A. …

texlive-unicode-data 51265

This bundle provides generic access to Unicode Consortium data for TeX use. It contains a set of text files provided by the Unicode Consortium which are currently all from Unicode 8.0.0,…

texlive-url 51265

The command `\url' is a form of verbatim command that allows linebreaks at certain characters or combinations of characters, accepts reconfiguration, and can usually be used in the argument to another command.…

texlive-xcolor 51265

The package starts from the basic facilities of the colorcolor package, and provides easy driver-independent access to several kinds of color tints, shades, tones, and mixes of arbitrary colors. It allows…

texlive-xypic 51265

This is a package for typesetting a variety of graphs and diagrams with TeX. Xy-pic works with most formats (including LaTeX, AMS-LaTeX, AMS-TeX, and plain TeX). The distribution includes Michael Barr's…

texlive-ydoc 51265

The package provides macros and environments to document LaTeX packages and classes. It is an (as yet unfinished) alternative to the `ltxdoc' class and the `doc' or `xdoc' packages. The…

texlive-zapfding 51265

This package provides a drop-in replacements for the Zapfding font from Adobe's basic set. …

texmacs 1.99.13

GNU TeXmacs is a text editing platform which is specialized for scientists. It is ideal for editing structured documents with different types of content. It has robust support for mathematical…

texmaker 5.0.3

Texmaker is a program that integrates many tools needed to develop documents with LaTeX, in a single application. …

tftp-hpa 5.2

This is a tftp client derived from OpenBSD tftp with some extra options added and bugs fixed. The source includes readline support but it is not enabled due to license conflicts…

thc-ipv6 3.4-0.4bb7257

The THC IPv6 Toolkit provides command-line tools and a library for researching IPv6 implementations and deployments. It requires Linux 2.6 or newer and only works on Ethernet network interfaces. …


The Butterfly Effect (tbe) is a game that uses realistic physics simulations to combine lots of simple mechanical elements to achieve a simple goal in the most complex way possible. …

the-silver-searcher 2.2.0

The Silver Searcher (`ag') is a tool for quickly searching large numbers of files. It's intended primarily for source code repositories, and respects files like `.gitignore' and `.hgignore'. It's also…

thefuck 3.30

The Fuck tries to match a rule for a previous, mistyped command, creates a new command using the matched rule, and runs it. …

theorafile 0.0.0-1.404b14d

Theorafile is a library for quickly and easily decoding Ogg Theora videos. Theorafile was written to be used for FNA's VideoPlayer. …

thermald 1.9.1

The Linux Thermal Daemon helps monitor and control temperature on systems running the Linux kernel. …

thin-provisioning-tools 0.8.5

A suite of tools for manipulating the metadata of the dm-thin, dm-cache and dm-era device-mapper targets. …

thinkfan 1.2.1

Thinkfan is a simple fan control program. It reads temperatures, checks them against configured limits and switches to appropriate (also pre-configured) fan level. It requires a working `thinkpad_acpi' or any…

threadweaver 5.70.0

ThreadWeaver is a helper for multithreaded programming. It uses a job-based interface to queue tasks and execute them in an efficient way. …

thunar 1.8.15

A modern file manager for graphical desktop, aiming to be easy-to-use and fast. …

thunar-volman 0.9.5

Thunar-volman is an extension for the Thunar File Manager, which enables automatic management of removable drives and media. For example, if thunar-volman is installed and configured properly, and you plug in…

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