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python-fsspec 0.6.1

The purpose of this package is to produce a template or specification for a file-system interface, that specific implementations should follow, so that applications making use of them can rely on a…

python-fudge 0.9.6

Fudge is a Python module for using fake objects (mocks and stubs) to test real ones. In readable Python code, you declare the methods available on your fake object and how they should…

python-funcparserlib 0.3.6

This package is a recursive descent parsing library for Python based on functional combinators. Parser combinators are just higher-order functions that take parsers as their arguments and return them as result…

python-funcy 1.11

`funcy' is a library that provides functional tools. Examples are: 1. merge - Merges collections of the same type 2. walk - Type-preserving map 3. select…

python-furl 2.0.0

Furl provides an easy-to-use alternative to the `urllib' and `urlparse' modules for manipulating URLs. …

python-fusepy 2.0.4

Python module that provides a simple interface to FUSE and MacFUSE. The binding is created using the standard `ctypes' library. …

python-fusepyng 1.0.7

`fusepyng' is a Python module that provides a simple interface to FUSE on various operating systems. It's just one file and is implemented using `ctypes'. …

python-future 0.17.1

`python-future' is the missing compatibility layer between Python 2 and Python 3. It allows you to use a single, clean Python 3.x-compatible codebase to support both Python 2 and Python 3…

python-future-fstrings 0.4.1

This package provides a UTF-8 compatible encoding `future_fstrings', which performs source manipulation. It decodes the source bytes using the UTF-8 encoding and then rewrites Python 3.6 style `f' strings. …

python-fuzzywuzzy 0.18.0

Approximate string matching using _Levenshtein Distance_ to calculate the differences between sequences. …

python-gast 0.3.3

GAST provides a compatibility layer between the AST of various Python versions, as produced by `ast.parse' from the standard `ast' module. …

python-gcovr 4.2

Gcovr provides a utility for managing the use of the GNU gcov utility and generating summarized code coverage results. It is inspired by the Python package, which provides a similar…

python-gdal 3.1.2

GDAL is a translator library for raster and vector geospatial data formats. As a library, it presents a single raster abstract data model and single vector abstract data model to the…

python-genshi 0.7.3

Genshi is a Python library that provides an integrated set of components for parsing, generating, and processing HTML, XML or other textual content for output generation on the web. …

python-geographiclib 1.50

This is a python implementation of the geodesic routines in GeographicLib. …

python-geoip2 2.9.0

Provides an API for the GeoIP2 web services and databases. The API also works with MaxMind’s free GeoLite2 databases. …

python-geopy 2.0.0

`geopy' is a Python client for several popular geocoding web services. `geopy' makes it easy for Python developers to locate the coordinates of addresses, cities, countries, and landmarks across the globe…

python-get-version 2.1

This package provides a version helper that lets you automatically use the latest `vX.X.X' Git tag as the version in your Python package. It also supports getting the version from Python…

python-gevent 20.6.2

gevent is a coroutine-based Python networking library that uses greenlet to provide a high-level synchronous API on top of the libev event loop. …

python-geventhttpclient 1.3.1

`python-geventhttpclient' is a high performance, concurrent HTTP client library for python using `gevent'. …

python-gffutils 0.9-1.4034c54

python-gffutils is a Python package for working with and manipulating the GFF and GTF format files typically used for genomic annotations. The files are loaded into a SQLite database, allowing much…

python-ghp-import 0.5.5

Script that copies a directory to the gh-pages branch (by default) of the repository. …

python-gipc 0.6.0

Usage of Python's multiprocessing package in a gevent-powered application may raise problems. With `gipc', process-based child processes can safely be created anywhere within a gevent-powered application. …

python-git-multimail 1.5.0.post1

This hook sends emails describing changes introduced by pushes to a Git repository. For each reference that was changed, it emits one ReferenceChange email summarizing how the reference was changed, followed…

python-git-review 1.28.0

Git-review is a command-line tool that helps submitting Git branches to Gerrit for review, or fetching existing ones. …

python-gitdb 4.0.2

GitDB allows you to access "bare" Git repositories for reading and writing. It aims at allowing full access to loose objects as well as packs with performance and scalability in mind.…

python-gitlab 1.15.0

This package provides an extended library for interacting with GitLab instances through their API. …

python-gitpython 3.1.0

GitPython is a python library used to interact with Git repositories, high-level like git-porcelain, or low-level like git-plumbing. It provides abstractions of Git objects for easy access of repository data, and additionally allows…

python-glob2 0.7

This is an extended version of the Python built-in glob module ( which adds: * The ability to capture the text matched by glob patterns, and return those …

python-gmpy2 2.1.0b1

This package provides a Python interface to the GNU multiprecision libraries GMO, MPFR and MPC. …

python-gnupg 0.4.4

This module allows easy access to GnuPG’s key management, encryption and signature functionality from Python programs. …

python-google-api-client 1.6.7

Python client library for Google's discovery based APIs …

python-google-brotli 1.0.7

`python-google-brotli' provides a Python interface to `google-brotli', an implementation of the Brotli lossless compression algorithm. …

python-gpg 1.10.0

This package provides Python bindings to the GPGME GnuPG cryptographic library. It is developed in the GPGME source code, and then distributed separately. …

python-gphoto2 2.2.1

`python-gphoto2' is a comprehensive Python interface (or binding) to `libgphoto2'. It is built using `SWIG' to automatically generate the interface code. …

python-grako 3.99.9

Grako takes a grammar in a variation of EBNF as input, and outputs a memoizing PEG/Packrat parser in Python. …

python-graphene 0.10.2

Graphene is a Python library for building GraphQL schemas/types. A GraphQL schema describes your data model, and provides a GraphQL server with an associated set of resolve methods that know how…

python-graphql-core 0.5.3

GraphQL implementation for Python. GraphQL is a data query language and runtime designed and used to request and deliver data to mobile and web apps. This library is a port…

python-graphql-relay 0.4.5

This is a library to allow the easy creation of Relay-compliant servers using the GraphQL Python reference implementation of a GraphQL server. It should be noted that the code is a…

python-graphviz 0.13.2

This package provides a simple Python interface for the Graphviz graph visualization tool suite. …

python-greenlet 0.4.16

Greenlet package is a spin-off of Stackless, a version of CPython that supports micro-threads called "tasklets". Tasklets run pseudo-concurrently (typically in a single or a few OS-level threads) and are synchronized…

python-grequests 0.3.0

GRequests is a Python library that allows you to use `Requests' with `Gevent' to make asynchronous HTTP Requests easily …

python-gridmap 0.14.0

Gridmap is a Python package to allow you to easily create jobs on the cluster directly from Python. You can directly map Python functions onto the cluster without needing to write…

python-grpcio 1.27.2

This package provides a Python library for communicating with the HTTP/2-based RPC framework gRPC. …

python-gssapi 1.6.5

Python-GSSAPI provides both low-level and high level wrappers around the GSSAPI C libraries. While it focuses on the Kerberos mechanism, it should also be useable with other GSSAPI mechanisms. …

python-gst 1.16.2

This package contains GObject Introspection overrides for Python that can be used by Python applications using GStreamer. …

python-guzzle-sphinx-theme 0.7.11

This package provides guzzle_sphinx_theme, a theme for the Sphinx documentation system, used by Guzzle ( and several other projects. …

python-gyp 0.0.0-0.5e2b3dd

GYP builds build systems for large, cross platform applications. It can be used to generate XCode projects, Visual Studio projects, Ninja build files, and Makefiles. …

python-h2 3.2.0

This module contains a pure-Python implementation of a HTTP/2 protocol stack. It does not provide a parsing layer, a network layer, or any rules about concurrency. Instead, it's a purely…

python-h5py 2.10.0

The h5py package provides both a high- and low-level interface to the HDF5 library from Python. The low-level interface is intended to be a complete wrapping of the HDF5 API, while…

python-hacking 1.1.0

Python-hacking is a set of flake8 plugins that test and enforce the OpenStack style guidelines ( …

python-hawkauthlib 2.0.0

This is a low-level Python library for implementing Hawk Access Authentication, a simple HTTP request-signing scheme. …

python-hdf4 0.9

Python-HDF4 is a python wrapper around the NCSA HDF version 4 library, which implements the SD (Scientific Dataset), VS (Vdata) and V (Vgroup) API’s. NetCDF files can also be read and…

python-hic2cool 0.4.2

This package provides a converter between `.hic' files (from juicer) and single-resolution or multi-resolution `.cool' files (for cooler). Both `hic' and `cool' files describe Hi-C contact matrices. …

python-hicexplorer 2.1.4

HiCExplorer is a powerful and easy to use set of tools to process, normalize and visualize Hi-C data. HiCExplorer facilitates the creation of contact matrices, correction of contacts, TAD detection, A/B…

python-hicmatrix 12

This helper package implements the `HiCMatrix' class for the HiCExplorer and pyGenomeTracks packages. …

python-hidapi 0.7.99.post21

This package provides a Cython interface to `hidapi'. …

python-hiredis 0.2.0

Python-hiredis is a python extension that wraps protocol parsing code in hiredis. It primarily speeds up parsing of multi bulk replies. …

python-hkdf 0.0.3

This package provides a Python implementation of the HMAC Key Derivation function (HKDF) defined in RFC 5869. …

python-honcho 1.0.1

A Procfile is a file which describes how to run an application consisting of several processes. honcho starts all listed processes. The output of all running processes is collected by…

python-hpack 3.0.0

This module contains a pure-Python HTTP/2 header encoding (HPACK) logic for use in Python programs that implement HTTP/2. …

python-html2text 2019.8.11

html2text takes HTML and converts it into plain ASCII text which is also valid markdown. html2text was originally written by Aaron Swartz. …

python-html5-parser 0.4.9

This package provides a fast implementation of the HTML5 parsing spec for Python. Parsing is done in C using a variant of the gumbo parser. The gumbo parse tree is…

python-html5lib 1.0.1

Html5lib is an HTML parser based on the WHATWG HTML specifcation and written in Python. …

python-html5lib 0.999

Html5lib is an HTML parser based on the WHATWG HTML specifcation and written in Python. …

python-htmlmin 0.1.12

`htmlmin' is an HTML minifier that just works. It comes with safe defaults and easily configurable options. …

python-httmock 1.3.0

This package provides a library for replying fake data to Python software under test, when they make an HTTP query. …

python-http-ece 1.1.0

This package provices a simple implementation of Encrypted Content Encoding for HTTP. …

python-httpbin 0.5.0

Testing an HTTP Library can become difficult sometimes. `RequestBin' is fantastic for testing POST requests, but doesn't let you control the response. This exists to cover all kinds of HTTP scenarios.…

python-httplib2 0.9.2

A comprehensive HTTP client library supporting many features left out of other HTTP libraries. …

python-httpretty 0.9.6

`httpretty' is a helper for faking web requests, inspired by Ruby's `fakeweb'. …

python-humanfriendly 8.2

The functions and classes in `humanfriendly' can be used to make text interfaces more user-friendly. It includes tools to parse and format numbers, file sizes, and timespans, timers for long-running operations,…

python-humanize 0.5.1

This package provides a Python module that displays numbers and dates in "human readable" forms. For example, it would display "12345591313" as "12.3 billion". …

python-hupper 1.10.2

Hupper is an integrated process monitor that will track changes to any imported Python files in sys.modules as well as custom paths. When files are changed the process is restarted. …

python-hy 0.18.0

Hy is a dialect of Lisp that's embedded in Python. Since Hy transforms its Lisp code into the Python Abstract Syntax Tree, you have the whole world of Python at your…

python-hyperframe 5.2.0

This library contains the HTTP/2 framing code used in the hyper project. It provides a pure-Python codebase that is capable of decoding a binary stream into HTTP/2 frames. …

python-hyperkitty 1.3.3

The hyperkitty Django app provides a web user interface to access GNU Mailman3 archives, and manage it. This interface uses django, and requires some configuration. …

python-hyperlink 19.0.0

This package provides a Python module to create immutable, and correct URLs for Python according to RFCs 3986 and 3987. …

python-hypothesis 5.23.0

Hypothesis is a library for testing your Python code against a much larger range of examples than you would ever want to write by hand. It’s based on the Haskell library,…

python-hypothesis 5.4.1

Hypothesis is a library for testing your Python code against a much larger range of examples than you would ever want to write by hand. It’s based on the Haskell library,…

python-hypothesmith 0.1.2

This package contains hypothesis strategies for generating Python programs, something like CSmith, a random generator of C programs. …

python-i3-py 0.6.5

This package allows you to interact from a Python program with the i3 window manager via its IPC socket. It can send commands and other kinds of messages to i3, select…

python-icalendar 4.0.5

The icalendar package is a parser/generator of iCalendar files for use with Python. …

python-identify 1.4.25

`identify' is a file identification library for Python. Given a file (or some information about a file), return a set of standardized tags identifying what the file is. …

python-idna 2.9

This is a library to support the Internationalised Domain Names in Applications (IDNA) protocol as specified in RFC 5891. This version of the protocol is often referred to as “IDNA2008” and…

python-idna 2.7

This is a library to support the Internationalised Domain Names in Applications (IDNA) protocol as specified in RFC 5891. This version of the protocol is often referred to as “IDNA2008” and…

python-idna-ssl 1.0.1

Patch `ssl.match_hostname' for Unicode(idna) domains support. …

python-igraph 0.8.0

This package provides a library for the analysis of networks and graphs. It can handle large graphs very well and provides functions for generating random and regular graphs, graph visualization, centrality…

python-ilinkedlist 0.4.0

This is a implementation of immutable linked lists for Python. It contains `nil' (the empty linked list) and a `Pair' class for nodes. Since a linked list is treated as…

python-imageio 2.8.0

Imageio is a Python library that provides an easy interface to read and write a wide range of image data, including animated images, video, volumetric data, and scientific formats. …

python-imagesize 1.2.0

This package allows determination of image size from PNG, JPEG, JPEG2000 and GIF files in pure Python. …

python-iml 0.6.2

Interpretable ML (iML) is a set of data type objects, visualizations, and interfaces that can be used by any method designed to explain the predictions of machine learning models (or really the…

python-immutables 0.14

An immutable mapping type for Python. The underlying datastructure is a Hash Array Mapped Trie (HAMT) used in Clojure, Scala, Haskell, and other functional languages. …

python-importlib-metadata 1.5.0

`importlib_metadata' is a library which provides an API for accessing an installed Python package's metadata, such as its entry points or its top-level name. This functionality intends to replace most uses…

python-importlib-resources 3.0.0

`importlib_resources' is a backport of Python 3's standard library `importlib.resources' module for Python 2.7, and Python 3. …

python-importmagic 0.1.7

Importmagic is a Python library for automatically managing imports by finding unresolved symbols in Python code and their corresponding imports. …

python-incremental 17.5.0

Incremental is a small library that versions your Python projects. …

python-inflection 0.3.1

Inflection is a string transformation library. It singularizes and pluralizes English words, and transforms strings from CamelCase to underscored string. …

python-intelhex 2.2.1

The Intel HEX file format is widely used in microprocessors and microcontrollers area (embedded systems etc.) as the de facto standard for representation of code to be programmed into microelectronic devices. …

python-internetarchive 1.8.5

`ia' is a command-line tool for using `' from the command-line. It also emplements the internetarchive python module for programmatic access to …

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