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perl-b-hooks-endofscope 0.24

This module allows you to execute code when perl finished compiling the surrounding scope. …

perl-b-hooks-op-check 0.22

This module allows you to wrap OP check callbacks. …

perl-b-keywords 1.20

`B::Keywords' supplies several arrays of exportable keywords: `@Scalars, @Arrays, @Hashes, @Filehandles, @Symbols, @Functions, @Barewords, @TieIOMethods, @UNIVERSALMethods and @ExporterSymbols'. …

perl-bareword-filehandles 0.006

This module disables bareword filehandles. …

perl-benchmark-timer 0.7102

The Benchmark::Timer class allows you to time portions of code conveniently, as well as benchmark code by allowing timings of repeated trials. It is perfect for when you need more precise…

perl-bit-vector 7.4

Bit::Vector is an efficient C library which allows you to handle bit vectors, sets (of integers), "big integer arithmetic" and boolean matrices, all of arbitrary sizes. The package also includes an…

perl-boolean 0.46

This module provides basic Boolean support, by defining two special objects: true and false. …

perl-browser-open 0.04

The functions exported by this module allow you to open URLs in the user's browser. A set of known commands per OS-name is tested for presence, and the first one found…

perl-business-isbn 3.004

This modules provides tools to deal with International Standard Book Numbers, including ISBN-10 and ISBN-13. …

perl-business-isbn-data 20140910.003

This package provides a data pack for `Business::ISBN'. These data are generated from the RangeMessage.xml file provided by the ISBN Agency. …

perl-business-ismn 1.201

This modules provides tools to deal with International Standard Music Numbers. …

perl-business-issn 1.003

This modules provides tools to deal with International Standard Serial Numbers. …

perl-cache-cache 1.08

The Cache modules are designed to assist a developer in persisting data for a specified period of time. Often these modules are used in web applications to store data locally to…

perl-cache-fastmmap 1.48

A shared memory cache through an mmap'ed file. It's core is written in C for performance. It uses fcntl locking to ensure multiple processes can safely access the cache at…

perl-cairo 1.107

Cairo provides Perl bindings for the vector graphics library cairo. It supports multiple output targets, including PNG, PDF and SVG. Cairo produces identical output on all those targets. …

perl-canary-stability 2013

This module is used by Schmorp's modules during configuration stage to test the installed perl for compatibility with his modules. …

perl-capture-tiny 0.48

Capture::Tiny provides a simple, portable way to capture almost anything sent to STDOUT or STDERR, regardless of whether it comes from Perl, from XS code or from an external program. Optionally,…

perl-carp 1.50

The `Carp' routines are useful in your own modules because they act like `die()' or `warn()', but with a message which is more likely to be useful to a user of your…

perl-carp-always 0.16

This module is meant as a debugging aid. It can be used to make a script complain loudly with stack backtraces when `warn()'-ing or `die()'ing. …

perl-carp-assert 0.21

Carp::Assert is intended for a purpose like the ANSI C library assert.h. …

perl-carp-assert-more 1.20

Carp::Assert::More is a set of handy assertion functions for Perl. …

perl-carp-clan 6.08

This module allows errors from a clan (or family) of modules to appear to originate from the caller of the clan. This is necessary in cases where the clan modules are…

perl-catalyst-action-renderview 0.16

This Catalyst action implements a sensible default end action, which will forward to the first available view. …

perl-catalyst-action-rest 1.21

This Action handles doing automatic method dispatching for REST requests. It takes a normal Catalyst action, and changes the dispatch to append an underscore and method name. First it will…

perl-catalyst-authentication-store-dbix-class 0.1506

The Catalyst::Authentication::Store::DBIx::Class class provides access to authentication information stored in a database via DBIx::Class. …

perl-catalyst-component-instancepercontext 0.001001

Catalyst::Component::InstancePerContext returns a new instance of a component on each request. …

perl-catalyst-devel 1.40

The Catalyst-Devel distribution includes a variety of modules useful for the development of Catalyst applications, but not required to run them. Catalyst-Devel includes the Catalyst::Helper system, which autogenerates scripts and tests; Module::Install::Catalyst, a…

perl-catalyst-dispatchtype-regex 5.90035

Dispatch type managing path-matching behaviour using regexes. Regex dispatch types have been deprecated and removed from Catalyst core. It is recommend that you use Chained methods or other techniques instead.…

perl-catalyst-model-dbic-schema 0.65

This is a Catalyst Model for DBIx::Class::Schema-based Models. …

perl-catalyst-plugin-accesslog 1.10

This Catalyst plugin enables you to create "access logs" from within a Catalyst application instead of requiring a webserver to do it for you. It will work even with Catalyst debug…

perl-catalyst-plugin-authentication 0.10023

The authentication plugin provides generic user support for Catalyst apps. It is the basis for both authentication (checking the user is who they claim to be), and authorization (allowing the user…

perl-catalyst-plugin-authorization-roles 0.09

Catalyst::Plugin::Authorization::Roles provides role-based authorization for Catalyst based on Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication. …

perl-catalyst-plugin-captcha 0.04

This plugin creates and validates Captcha images for Catalyst. …

perl-catalyst-plugin-configloader 0.34

This module will attempt to load find and load configuration files of various types. Currently it supports YAML, JSON, XML, INI and Perl formats. …

perl-catalyst-plugin-session 0.41

This plugin links the two pieces required for session management in web applications together: the state, and the store. …

perl-catalyst-plugin-session-state-cookie 0.17

In order for Catalyst::Plugin::Session to work, the session ID needs to be stored on the client, and the session data needs to be stored on the server. This plugin stores the session…

perl-catalyst-plugin-session-store-fastmmap 0.16

Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::FastMmap is a fast session storage plugin for Catalyst that uses an mmap'ed file to act as a shared memory interprocess cache. It is based on Cache::FastMmap. …

perl-catalyst-plugin-stacktrace 0.12

This plugin enhances the standard Catalyst debug screen by including a stack trace of your application up to the point where the error occurred. Each stack frame is displayed along with…

perl-catalyst-plugin-static-simple 0.36

The Static::Simple plugin is designed to make serving static content in your application during development quick and easy, without requiring a single line of code from you. This plugin detects static…

perl-catalyst-runtime 5.90124

Catalyst is a modern framework for making web applications. It is designed to make it easy to manage the various tasks you need to do to run an application on the…

perl-catalyst-traitfor-request-proxybase 0.000005

This module is a Moose::Role which allows you more flexibility in your application's deployment configurations when deployed behind a proxy. Using this module, the request base ($c->req->base) is replaced with the…

perl-catalyst-view-download 0.09

The purpose of this module is to provide a method for downloading data into many supportable formats. For example, downloading a table based report in a variety of formats (CSV, HTML,…

perl-catalyst-view-json 0.37

Catalyst::View::JSON is a Catalyst View handler that returns stash data in JSON format. …

perl-catalyst-view-tt 0.45

This module is a Catalyst view class for the Template Toolkit. …

perl-catalystx-component-traits 0.19

Adds a "COMPONENT" in Catalyst::Component method to your Catalyst component base class that reads the optional "traits" parameter from app and component config and instantiates the component subclass with those traits using "new_with_traits"…

perl-catalystx-roleapplicator 0.005

CatalystX::RoleApplicator applies roles to Catalyst application classes. …

perl-catalystx-script-server-starman 0.03

This module provides a Catalyst extension to replace the development server with Starman. …

perl-cddb-get 2.28

This module can retrieve information from the CDDB. …

perl-cgi 4.47 is a stable, complete and mature solution for processing and preparing HTTP requests and responses. Major features include processing form submissions, file uploads, reading and writing cookies, query string generation and…

perl-cgi-formbuilder 3.10

`CGI::FormBuilder' provides an easy way to generate and process CGI form-based applications. …

perl-cgi-session 4.48

`CGI::Session' provides modular session management system across HTTP requests. …

perl-cgi-simple 1.22

CGI::Simple provides a relatively lightweight drop in replacement for It shares an identical OO interface to for parameter parsing, file upload, cookie handling and header generation. …

perl-cgi-struct 1.21

This is a module for building structured data from CGI inputs, in a manner reminiscent of how PHP does. …

perl-class-accessor 0.51

This module automagically generates accessors/mutators for your class. …

perl-class-accessor-chained 0.01

A chained accessor is one that always returns the object when called with parameters (to set), and the value of the field when called with no arguments. This module subclasses Class::Accessor in…

perl-class-accessor-grouped 0.10014

This class lets you build groups of accessors that will call different getters and setters. …

perl-class-c3 0.34

This is pragma to change Perl 5's standard method resolution order from depth-first left-to-right (a.k.a - pre-order) to the more sophisticated C3 method resolution order. …

perl-class-c3-adopt-next 0.14

This module is intended as a drop-in replacement for NEXT, supporting the same interface, but using Class::C3 to do the hard work. …

perl-class-c3-componentised 1.001002

This module will inject base classes to your module using the Class::C3 method resolution order. …

perl-class-data-inheritable 0.08

Class::Data::Inheritable is for creating accessor/mutators to class data. That is, if you want to store something about your class as a whole (instead of about a single object). This data…

perl-class-date 1.1.17

This module provides a general-purpose date and datetime type for perl. …

perl-class-errorhandler 0.04

`Class::ErrorHandler' provides an error-handling mechanism that is generic enough to be used as the base class for a variety of OO classes. Subclasses inherit its two error-handling methods, error and errstr,…

perl-class-factory-util 1.7

This module exports methods useful for factory classes. …

perl-class-inspector 1.36

Class::Inspector allows you to get information about a loaded class. …

perl-class-load 0.25

"require EXPR" only accepts Class/ style module names, not Class::Name. For that, this module provides "load_class 'Class::Name'". …

perl-class-load-xs 0.10

This module provides an XS implementation for portions of Class::Load. …

perl-class-method-modifiers 2.13

Class::Method::Modifiers provides three modifiers: `before', `around', and `after'. `before' and `after' are run just before and after the method they modify, but can not really affect that original method. `around'…

perl-class-methodmaker 2.24

This module solves the problem of having to continually write accessor methods for your objects that perform standard tasks. …

perl-class-mix 0.006

The `mix_class' function provided by this module dynamically generates anonymous classes with specified inheritance. This is useful where an incomplete class requires use of a mixin in order to become instantiable. …

perl-class-singleton 1.5

This module implements a Singleton class from which other classes can be derived. By itself, the Class::Singleton module does very little other than manage the instantiation of a single object. …

perl-class-tiny 1.006

This module offers a minimalist class construction kit. It uses no non-core modules for any recent Perl. …

perl-class-unload 0.11

Class:Unload unloads a given class by clearing out its symbol table and removing it from %INC. …

perl-class-xsaccessor 1.19

Class::XSAccessor implements fast read, write, and read/write accessors in XS. Additionally, it can provide predicates such as "has_foo()" for testing whether the attribute "foo" is defined in the object. It only…

perl-clone 0.43

This module provides a clone() method which makes recursive copies of nested hash, array, scalar and reference types, including tied variables and objects. …

perl-clone-choose 0.010

This `Clone::Choose' module checks several different modules which provide a `clone()' function and selects an appropriate one. …

perl-clone-pp 1.07

This module provides a general-purpose `clone' function to make deep copies of Perl data structures. It calls itself recursively to copy nested hash, array, scalar and reference types, including tied variables…

perl-common-sense 3.74

This module implements some sane defaults for Perl programs, as defined by two typical specimens of Perl coders. …

perl-compress-bzip2 2.28

The Compress::Bzip2 module provides a Perl interface to the Bzip2 compression library. A relevant subset of the functionality provided by Bzip2 is available in this module. …

perl-compress-raw-bzip2 2.095

This module provides a Perl interface to the bzip2 compression library. …

perl-compress-raw-zlib 2.095

This module provides a Perl interface to the zlib compression library. …

perl-conf-libconfig 0.100

Conf::Libconfig is a Perl interface to the libconfig configuration file library. It support scalar, array, and hash data structures just like its C/C++ counterpart. It reduces the effort required to implement…

perl-config-any 0.32

Config::Any provides a facility for Perl applications and libraries to load configuration data from multiple different file formats. It supports XML, YAML, JSON, Apache-style configuration, and Perl code. …

perl-config-autoconf 0.317

Config::AutoConf is intended to provide the same opportunities to Perl developers as GNU Autoconf does for Shell developers. …

perl-config-general 2.63

This module opens a config file and parses its contents for you. The format of config files supported by Config::General is inspired by the well known Apache config format and is…

perl-config-gitlike 1.17

This module handles parsing, modifying and creating configuration files of the style used by the Git version control system. …

perl-config-grammar 1.13

Config::Grammar is a module to parse configuration files. The configuration may consist of multiple-level sections with assignments and tabular data. …

perl-config-ini 0.025

`Config::INI' is a module that facilates the reading and writing of `.ini'-style configuration files. …

perl-config-inifiles 3.000002

This package provides a way to have readable configuration files outside your Perl script. Configurations can be imported, sections can be grouped, and settings can be accessed from a tied hash. …

perl-context-preserve 0.03

This module runs code after a subroutine call, preserving the context the subroutine would have seen if it were the last statement in the caller. …

perl-convert-binhex 1.125

BinHex is a format for transporting files safely through electronic mail, as short-lined, 7-bit, semi-compressed data streams. Ths module provides a means of converting those data streams back into into binary…

perl-cpan-changes 0.400002

`CPAN::Changes' helps users programmatically read and write `Changes' files that conform to a common specification. …

perl-cpan-distnameinfo 0.12

`CPAN::DistnameInfo' uses heuristics to extract the distribution name and version from filenames. …

perl-cpan-meta 2.150010

Software distributions released to the CPAN include a META.json or, for older distributions, META.yml, which describes the distribution, its contents, and the requirements for building and installing the distribution. The data…

perl-cpan-meta-check 0.014

This module verifies if requirements described in a CPAN::Meta object are present. …

perl-cpan-meta-requirements 2.140

A CPAN::Meta::Requirements object models a set of version constraints like those specified in the META.yml or META.json files in CPAN distributions, and as defined by CPAN::Meta::Spec. It can be built up…

perl-cpan-meta-yaml 0.018

This module implements a subset of the YAML specification for use in reading and writing CPAN metadata files like META.yml and MYMETA.yml. …

perl-cpanel-json-xs 4.18

This module converts Perl data structures to JSON and vice versa. …

perl-crypt-cbc 2.33

`Crypt::CBC' is a Perl-only implementation of the cryptographic Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode. In combination with a block cipher such as `Crypt::Rijndael' you can encrypt and decrypt messages of arbitrarily long length.…

perl-crypt-des 2.07

`Crypt::DES' is an XS-based implementation of the DES cryptography algorithm. The module implements the `Crypt::CBC' interface which has blocksize, keysize, encrypt and decrypt functions. …

perl-crypt-eksblowfish 0.009

Eksblowfish is a variant of the Blowfish cipher, modified to make the key setup very expensive. This doesn't make it significantly cryptographically stronger but is intended to hinder brute-force attacks. …

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