Packages — D (Seite 1 von 2)


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d-feet 0.3.14

D-Feet is a D-Bus debugger, which can be used to inspect D-Bus interfaces of running programs and invoke methods on those interfaces. …

daemontools 0.76

`daemontools' is a collection of tools for managing UNIX services. …

dante 1.4.2

Dante is a SOCKS client and server implementation. It can be installed on a machine with access to an external TCP/IP network and will allow all other machines, without direct access…

darcs 2.14.2

Darcs is a revision control system. It is: 1. Distributed: Every user has access to the full command set, removing boundaries between server and…

darkhttpd 1.12

darkhttpd is a simple static web server. It is standalone and does not need inetd or ucspi-tcp. It does not need any config files---you only have to specify the www…

darkice 1.4

DarkIce is a live audio streamer. It takes audio input from a sound card, encodes it into Ogg Vorbis and/or mp3, and sends the audio stream to one or more IceCast…

darkstat 3.0.719

`darkstat' is a packet sniffer that runs as a background process, gathers all sorts of statistics about network usage, and serves them over HTTP. Features: * Traffic graphs,…

darktable 3.0.2

Darktable is a photography workflow application and RAW developer. It manages your digital negatives in a database, lets you view them through a zoomable lighttable and enables you to develop raw…


dash is a POSIX-compliant `/bin/sh' implementation that aims to be as small as possible, often without sacrificing speed. It is faster than the GNU Bourne-Again Shell (`bash') at most scripted tasks.…

dashel 1.3.3

Dashel is a data stream helper encapsulation C++ library. It provides a unified access to TCP/UDP sockets, serial ports, console, and files streams. It also allows a server application to…

datamash 1.7

Perform basic numeric, textual and statistical operations on plain text files. Designed to work within standard pipelines without additional code. …

date 2.4.1-9a0ee254

Date is a header only C++ library that extends the chrono date algorithms library for calendar dates and durations. It also provides the <tz.h> library for handling time zones and leap…

datefudge 1.23

Utility that fakes the system time by pre-loading a small library that modifies the `time', `gettimeofday' and `clock_gettime' system calls. …

dav1d 0.7.1

dav1d is a new AV1 cross-platform decoder, and focused on speed and correctness. …

dbacl 1.14.1

dbacl is a fast Bayesian text and email classifier. It builds a variety of language models using maximum entropy (minimum divergence) principles, and these can then be used to categorize input…

dblatex 0.3.11

DocBook to LaTeX Publishing transforms your SGML/XML DocBook documents to DVI, PostScript or PDF by translating them in pure LaTeX as a first process. MathML 2.0 markups are supported too. …

dbus-c++ 0.9.0

This package provides D-Bus client API bindings for the C++ programming language. It also contains the utility `dbuscxx-xml2cpp'. …

dbus-glib 0.110

GLib bindings for D-Bus. The package is obsolete and superseded by GDBus included in Glib. …

dbus-test-runner 19.04.0

A small little utility to run a couple of executables under a new DBus session for testing. …

dcadec 0.2.0

Dcadec is a DTS Coherent Acoustics surround sound decoder with support for HD extensions. …

dcmtk 3.6.5

DCMTK is a collection of libraries and applications implementing large parts the DICOM standard. It includes software for examining, constructing and converting DICOM image files, handling offline media, sending and receiving…

dconf 0.34.0

Dconf is a low-level configuration system. Its main purpose is to provide a backend to GSettings on platforms that don't already have configuration storage systems. …

dconf-editor 3.34.2

Dconf-editor is a graphical tool for browsing and editing the dconf configuration system for GNOME. It allows users to configure desktop software that do not provide their own configuration interface. …

ddate 0.2.2

ddate displays the Discordian date and holidays of a given date. The Discordian calendar was made popular by the "Illuminatus!" trilogy by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson. …

ddcci-driver-linux 0.3.3

This package provides two Linux kernel drivers, ddcci and ddcci-backlight, that allows the control of DDC/CI monitors through the sysfs interface. The ddcci module creates a character device for each DDC/CI…

ddclient 3.9.1

This package provides a client to update dynamic IP addresses with several dynamic DNS service providers, such as ( This makes it possible to use a fixed hostname (such as to access…

ddcutil 0.9.8

ddcutil can query and modify most external monitors' settings, such as brightness, colour levels, and input sources. Generally speaking, any setting that can be changed by pressing buttons on the monitor…

ddrescue 1.25

GNU ddrescue is a fully automated data recovery tool. It copies data from one file to another, working to rescue data in case of read errors. The program also includes…

dealii 9.1.1

Deal.II is a C++ program library targeted at the computational solution of partial differential equations using adaptive finite elements. The main aim of deal.II is to enable rapid development of modern…

dealii-openmpi 9.1.1

Deal.II is a C++ program library targeted at the computational solution of partial differential equations using adaptive finite elements. The main aim of deal.II is to enable rapid development of modern…

debian-archive-keyring 2019.1

The Debian project digitally signs its Release files. This package contains the archive keys used for that. …

debianutils 4.11

This package provides a number of utilities which are mostly for use in installation scripts of Debian packages. The programs included are `add-shell', `installkernel', `ischroot', `remove-shell', `run-parts', `savelog', `tempfile', and `which'. …

debootstrap 1.0.123

Debootstrap is used to create a Debian base system from scratch, without requiring the availability of `dpkg' or `apt'. It does this by downloading .deb files from a mirror site, and…

debops 1.1.0

The Ansible roles provided by that can be used to manage Debian or Ubuntu hosts. In addition, a default set of Ansible playbooks can be used to apply the provided roles in…

dedukti 2.6.0

Dedukti is a proof-checker for the λΠ-calculus modulo theory. The λΠ-calculus is an extension of the simply typed λ-calculus with dependent types. The λΠ-calculus modulo theory is itself an extension…

dehydrated 0.6.5

Dehydrated is a client for signing certificates with an ACME-server (currently only provided by Let's Encrypt) implemented as a relatively simple Bash script. …

deja-dup 40.6

Déjà Dup is a simple backup tool, for regular encrypted backups. It uses duplicity as the backend, which supports incremental backups and storage either on a local, or remote machine via…

dejagnu 1.6.2

DejaGnu is a framework for testing software. In effect, it serves as a front-end for all tests written for a program. Thus, each program can have multiple test suites, which…

delft-icon-theme 1.12

Delft is a fork of the popular icon theme Faenza with up to date app icons. It will stay optically close to the original Faenza icons, which haven't been updated for…

delly 0.7.9

Delly is an integrated structural variant prediction method that can discover and genotype deletions, tandem duplications, inversions and translocations at single-nucleotide resolution in short-read massively parallel sequencing data. It uses paired-ends and split-reads…

delta 2006.08.03

Delta assists you in minimizing "interesting" files subject to a test of their interestingness. A common such situation is when attempting to isolate a small failure-inducing substring of a large input…

deluge 1.3.15

Deluge contains the common features to BitTorrent clients such as Protocol Encryption, DHT, Local Peer Discovery (LSD), Peer Exchange (PEX), UPnP, NAT-PMP, Proxy support, Web seeds, global and per-torrent speed limits. …

demlo 3.8-0.fe9ec4c

Demlo is a music library organizer. It can encode, fix case, change folder hierarchy according to tags or file properties, tag from an online database, copy covers while ignoring duplicates or…

denemo 2.4.0

GNU Denemo is a music notation editor that provides a convenient interface to the powerful music engraving program Lilypond. Music can be typed in using the computer keyboard, played in using…

desktop-file-utils 0.24

This package contains a few command line utilities for working with desktop entries: desktop-file-validate: validates a desktop file and prints warnings/errors about desktop entry specification violations. desktop-file-install: installs a desktop file to the applications…

desmume 0.9.11

DeSmuME is an emulator for the Nintendo DS handheld gaming console. …

detox 1.3.0

Detox is a program that renames files to make them easier to work with under Unix and related operating systems. Spaces and various other unsafe characters (such as "$") get replaced…

deutex 5.2.1

DeuTex is a wad composer for Doom, Heretic, Hexen and Strife. It can be used to extract the lumps of a wad and save them as individual files. Conversely,…

dev86 0.16.21

This package provides a Intel 8086 (primarily 16-bit) assembler, a C compiler and a linker. The assembler uses Intel syntax (also Intel order of operands). …

devhelp 3.34.0

Devhelp is an API documentation browser for GTK+ and GNOME. It works natively with GTK-Doc (the API reference system developed for GTK+ and used throughout GNOME for API documentation). …

devil 1.8.0

Developer's Image Library (DevIL) is a library to develop applications with support for many types of images. DevIL can load, save, convert, manipulate, filter and display a wide variety of image…

dfc 3.1.1

dfc (df color) is a modern version of df. It uses colors, draws pretty graphs and can export its output to different formats. …

dfu-programmer 0.7.2

Dfu-programmer is a multi-platform command-line programmer for Atmel (8051, AVR, XMEGA & AVR32) chips with a USB bootloader supporting ISP. …

dfu-util 0.9

The DFU (Universal Serial Bus Device Firmware Upgrade) protocol is intended to download and upload firmware to devices connected over USB. It ranges from small devices like micro-controller boards up to…

dhall 1.32.0

Dhall is an explicitly typed configuration language that is not Turing complete. Despite being Turing incomplete, Dhall is a real programming language with a type-checker and evaluator. Use this library to parse, type-check,…

dhewm3 1.5.0

`dhewm3' is a source port of the original Doom 3 engine (not Doom 3: BFG Edition), also known as id Tech 4. Compared to the original version of the Doom 3…

di 4.48

`di' is a disk information utility, displaying everything that your `df' command does and more. It features the ability to display your disk usage in whatever format you prefer. It…

dia 0.97.3-2.3cf7ec4

Dia can be used to draw different types of diagrams, and includes support for UML static structure diagrams (class diagrams), entity relationship modeling, and network diagrams. The program supports various file…

dialog 1.3-20200228

Dialog is a script-interpreter which provides a set of curses widgets, such as dialog boxes. …

diamond 0.9.30

DIAMOND is a BLAST-compatible local aligner for mapping protein and translated DNA query sequences against a protein reference database (BLASTP and BLASTX alignment mode). The speedup over BLAST is up to…

dico 2.9

GNU Dico implements a flexible dictionary server and client according to RFC 2229 (DICT Server). It is able to access any database available, regardless of format, thanks to its modular structure.…

diction 1.14

A package providing two classic Unix commands, style and diction. Diction is used to identify wordy and commonly misused phrases in a body of text. Style instead analyzes surface aspects…

diffoscope 151

Diffoscope tries to get to the bottom of what makes files or directories different. It recursively unpacks archives of many kinds and transforms various binary formats into more human readable forms…

diffstat 1.63

Diffstat reads the output of `diff' and displays a histogram of the insertions, deletions, and modifications per file. It is useful for reviewing large, complex patch files. …

diffutils 3.7

GNU Diffutils is a package containing tools for finding the differences between files. The "diff" command is used to show how two files differ, while "cmp" shows the offsets and line…

dillo 3.0.5

Dillo is a minimalistic web browser particularly intended for older or slower computers and embedded systems. …

ding 1.8.1

Ding is a dictionary lookup program for the X window system. It comes with a German-English dictionary with approximately 270,000 entries. …

ding-libs 0.6.1

DING-LIBS (DING Is Not Glib) are a set of small, useful libraries that the "System Security Services Daemon" (SSSD) uses and makes available to other projects. They include: libdhash, an implementation…

dino 0.1.0

Dino is a Jabber (XMPP) client which aims to fit well into a graphical desktop environment like GNOME. …

dionysus 1.4.0

GNU Dionysus is a convenient system for quickly retrieving the values of mathematical constants used in science and engineering. Values can be searched using a simple command-line tool, choosing from three…

direnv 2.15.2

direnv can hook into the bash, zsh, tcsh, and fish shells to load or unload environment variables depending on the current directory. This allows project-specific environment variables without using `~/.profile'. Before each…

direvent 5.2

A daemon that monitors directories for events, such as creating, deleting or modifying files. It can monitor different sets of directories for different events. When an event is detected, direvent…

dirvish 1.2.1

With dirvish you can maintain a set of complete images of your file systems with unattended creation and expiration. A dirvish backup vault is like a time machine for your data. …

discount 2.2.4

Discount is a markdown implementation, written in C. It provides a `markdown' command, and a library. …

discrover 1.6.0

Discrover is a motif discovery method to find binding sites of nucleic acid binding proteins. …

disorderfs 0.5.10

An overlay FUSE file system that introduces non-determinism into file system metadata. For example, it can randomize the order in which directory entries are read. This is useful for detecting…

djview 4.11

DjView is a standalone viewer for DjVu files. Its features include navigating documents, zooming and panning page images, producing and displaying thumbnails, displaying document outlines, searching documents for particular words in the hidden…

djvulibre 3.5.27

DjVuLibre is an implementation of DjVu, including viewers, browser plugins, decoders, simple encoders, and utilities. …

dkgpg 1.1.3

The Distributed Privacy Guard (DKGPG) implements Distributed Key Generation (DKG) and Threshold Cryptography for OpenPGP. The generated public keys are compatible with the standard and thus can be used by any…

dkimproxy 1.4.1

DKIMproxy is an SMTP proxy that signs and verifies Internet mail using the `Mail::DKIM' Perl module. It comprises two separate proxies: an outbound proxy for signing outgoing email, and an inbound…

dlib 19.20

Dlib is a modern C++ toolkit containing machine learning algorithms and tools. It is used in both industry and academia in a wide range of domains including robotics, embedded devices, mobile phones,…

dmenu 4.9

A dynamic menu for X, originally designed for dwm. It manages large numbers of user-defined menu items efficiently. …

dmidecode 3.2

Dmidecode reports information about your system's hardware as described in your system BIOS according to the SMBIOS/DMI standard. This typically includes system manufacturer, model name, serial number, BIOS version, asset tag…

dmraid 1.0.0.rc16-3

This software supports RAID device discovery, RAID set activation, creation, removal, rebuild and display of properties for ATARAID/DDF1 metadata. `dmraid' uses `libdevmapper' and the device-mapper kernel runtime to create devices with respective mappings…

dnscrypt-proxy 1.9.5

`dnscrypt-proxy' is a tool for securing communications between a client and a DNS resolver. It verifies that responses you get from a DNS provider was actually sent by that provider, and…

dnscrypt-wrapper 0.2.2

`dnscrypt-wrapper' is a tool to expose a name server over the `dnscrypt' protocol. It can be used as an endpoint for the `dnscrypt-proxy' client to securely tunnel DNS requests between the…

dnsmasq 2.82

Dnsmasq is a light-weight DNS forwarder and DHCP server. It is designed to provide DNS and, optionally, DHCP to a small network. It can serve the names of local machines…

doc++ 3.4.10

DOC++ is a documentation system for C, C++, IDL, and Java. It can generate both TeX output for high-quality hardcopies or HTML output for online brwosing. The documentation is extracted…

docbook-xml 4.4

DocBook is general purpose XML and SGML document type particularly well suited to books and papers about computer hardware and software (though it is by no means limited to these applications.) This…

docbook-xml 5.0.1

DocBook is general purpose XML and SGML document type particularly well suited to books and papers about computer hardware and software (though it is by no means limited to these applications.) This…

docbook-xml 4.1.2

DocBook is general purpose XML and SGML document type particularly well suited to books and papers about computer hardware and software (though it is by no means limited to these applications.) This…

docbook-xml 4.2

DocBook is general purpose XML and SGML document type particularly well suited to books and papers about computer hardware and software (though it is by no means limited to these applications.) This…

docbook-xml 4.5

DocBook is general purpose XML and SGML document type particularly well suited to books and papers about computer hardware and software (though it is by no means limited to these applications.) This…

docbook-xml 4.3

DocBook is general purpose XML and SGML document type particularly well suited to books and papers about computer hardware and software (though it is by no means limited to these applications.) This…

docbook-xsl 1.79.1

This package provides XSL style sheets for DocBook. …

docker 19.03.12

This package provides a framework to assemble specialized container systems. It includes components for orchestration, image management, secret management, configuration management, networking, provisioning etc. …

docker-cli 19.03.12

This package provides a command line interface to Docker. …

docker-compose 1.25.4

Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. A Compose file is used to configure an application’s services. Then, using a single command, the containers are created…

docker-libnetwork-cmd-proxy 18.09-1.4725f21

A proxy running in the user space. It is used by the built-in registry server of Docker. …

doctest 2.4.0

doctest is a single-header testing framework for C++11 and later. It has been designed to be fast, light and unintrusive. …


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