Packages — K (Seite 1 von 3)


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k3b 20.04.2

K3b is CD-writing software which intends to be feature-rich and provide an easily usable interface. Features include burning audio CDs from .WAV and .MP3 audio files, configuring external programs and configuring…

kactivities 5.70.0

KActivities provides the infrastructure needed to manage a user's activities, allowing them to switch between tasks, and for applications to update their state to match the user's current activity. This includes…

kactivities-stats 5.70.0

The KActivitiesStats library provides a querying mechanism for the data that the activitiy manager collects - which documents have been opened by which applications, and what documents have been linked to which…

kaddressbook 20.04.1

KAddressBook stores all the personal details of your family, friends and other contacts. It supports large variety of services, including NextCloud, Kolab, Google Contacts, Microsoft Exchange (EWS) or any standard CalDAV…

kaffeine 2.0.18

Kaffeine is a media player for KDE. While it supports multiple Phonon backends, its default backend is Xine, giving Kaffeine a wide variety of supported media types and letting Kaffeine access…

kaiju 1.6.3

Kaiju is a program for sensitive taxonomic classification of high-throughput sequencing reads from metagenomic whole genome sequencing experiments. …

kajongg 19.08.3

Kajongg is the ancient Chinese board game for 4 players. If you are looking for the Mah Jongg solitaire please use the application kmahjongg. Kajongg can be used in two different ways: Scoring…

kakoune 2020.08.04

Kakoune is a code editor heavily inspired by Vim, as such most of its commands are similar to Vi's ones, and it shares Vi's "keystrokes as a text editing language" model. …

kalarmcal 20.04.1

This library provides access to and handling of kalarm calendar data. …

kaldi 0-2.d4791c0

Kaldi is an extensible toolkit for speech recognition written in C++. …

kaldi-gstreamer-server 0-2.f68cab4

This is a real-time full-duplex speech recognition server, based on the Kaldi toolkit and the GStreamer framework and implemented in Python. …

kallisto 0.44.0

Kallisto is a program for quantifying abundances of transcripts from RNA-Seq data, or more generally of target sequences using high-throughput sequencing reads. It is based on the novel idea of pseudoalignment…

kamoso 20.04.1

Kamoso is a simple and friendly program to use your camera. Use it to take pictures and make videos to share. …

kapidox 5.70.0

This framework contains scripts and data for building API documentation (dox) in a standard format and style for KDE. For the actual documentation extraction and formatting the Doxygen tool is used, but this…

kapman 19.08.3

Kapman is a clone of the well known game Pac-Man. You must run through the maze to eat all pills without being captured by a ghost. By eating an energizer, Kapman…

karchive 5.70.0

KArchive provides classes for easy reading, creation and manipulation of `archive' formats like ZIP and TAR. It also provides transparent compression and decompression of data, like the GZip format, via a subclass of…

kate 20.04.1

Kate is a powerful text editor that can open multiple files simultaneously. With a built-in terminal, syntax highlighting, and tabbed sidebar, it performs as a lightweight but capable development environment. Kate's…

kauth 5.70.0

KAuth provides a convenient, system-integrated way to offload actions that need to be performed as a privileged user to small set of helper utilities. …

kawa 3.1.1

GNU Kawa is an implementation of the Scheme programming language that is built on top of the Java platform. It is thus conveniently integrated with Java and benefits from this by…

kbd 2.0.4

This package contains keytable files and keyboard utilities compatible for systems using the Linux kernel. This includes commands such as `loadkeys', `setfont', `kbdinfo', and `chvt'. …

kbd-neo 2486

Kbd-neo provides the Neo2 keyboard layout for use with `loadkeys(1)' from `kbd(4)'. …

kbdd 0.7.1

`kbdd' is a simple keyboard layout switching program, which is designed to run in an X11 session and remember keyboard layouts on a per-window basis. That can be very handy for…

kblackbox 19.08.3

KBlackbox is a game of hide and seek played on a grid of boxes where the computer has hidden several balls. The position of the hidden balls can be deduced by…

kblocks 19.08.3

KBlocks is the classic Tetris-like falling blocks game. The idea is to stack the falling blocks to create horizontal lines without any gaps. When a line is completed it is removed,…

kblog 20.04.1

KBlog is a library for calling functions on Blogger 1.0, MetaWeblog, MovableType and GData compatible blogs. It calls the APIs using KXmlRpcClient and Syndication. It supports asynchronous sending and fetching…

kbookmarks 5.70.0

KBookmarks lets you access and manipulate bookmarks stored using the XBEL format. …

kbounce 19.08.3

KBounce is a single player arcade game with the elements of puzzle. It is played on a field, surrounded by wall, with two or more balls bouncing around within the walls.…

kbreakout 19.08.3

KBreakout is similar to the classics breakout and xboing, featuring a number of added graphical enhancements and effects. You control a paddle at the bottom of the playing-field, and must destroy…

kcachegrind 20.04.1

The data files generated by the Callgrind of Valgrind, an application profiler, can be loaded into KCachegrind for browsing the performance results. There is also a command-line tool to get ASCII…

kcalendarcore 5.70.0

This library provides access to and handling of calendar data. It supports the standard formats iCalendar and vCalendar and the group scheduling standard iTIP. A calendar contains information like incidences (events,…

kcalendarsupport 20.04.1

The Calendar Support library provides helper utilities for calendaring applications. …

kcalutils 20.04.1

This library provides a utility and user interface functions for accessing calendar data using the kcalcore API. …

kcmutils 5.70.0

KCMUtils provides various classes to work with KCModules. KCModules can be created with the KConfigWidgets framework. …

kcodecs 5.70.0

KCodecs provide a collection of methods to manipulate strings using various encodings. It can automatically determine the charset of a string, translate XML entities, validate email addresses, and find encodings by name in…

kcompletion 5.70.0

This framework helps implement autocompletion in Qt-based applications. It provides a set of completion-ready widgets, or can be integrated it into your application's other widgets. …

kconfig 5.70.0

KConfig provides an advanced configuration system. It is made of two parts: KConfigCore and KConfigGui. KConfigCore provides access to the configuration files themselves. It features: 1. Code generation: describe…

kconfigwidgets 5.70.0

KConfigWidgets provides easy-to-use classes to create configuration dialogs, as well as a set of widgets which uses KConfig to store their settings. …

kcontacts 5.70.0

This library provides a vCard data model, vCard input/output, contact group management, locale-aware address formatting, and localized country name to ISO 3166-1 alpha 2 code mapping and vice verca. …

kcoreaddons 5.70.0

KCoreAddons provides classes built on top of QtCore to perform various tasks such as manipulating mime types, autosaving files, creating backup files, generating random sequences, performing text manipulations such as macro replacement, accessing…

kcov 38

Kcov is a FreeBSD/Linux/OSX code coverage tester for compiled languages, Python and Bash. Kcov was originally a fork of Bcov, but has since evolved to support a large feature set in…

kcrash 5.70.0

KCrash provides support for intercepting and handling application crashes. …

kdav 20.04.1

This is a DAV protocol implementation with KJobs. Calendars and todos are supported, using either GroupDAV or CalDAV, and contacts are supported using GroupDAV or CardDAV. …

kdbusaddons 5.70.0

KDBusAddons provides convenience classes on top of QtDBus, as well as an API to create KDED modules. …

kde-frameworkintegration 5.70.0

Framework Integration is a set of plugins responsible for better integration of Qt applications when running on a KDE Plasma workspace. …

kdeclarative 5.70.0

KDeclarative provides integration of QML and KDE work spaces. It's comprises two parts: a library used by the C++ part of your application to intergrate QML with KDE Frameworks specific features,…

kdeconnect 20.04.2

KDE Connect is a project that enables all your devices to communicate with each other. Here's a few things KDE Connect can do: 1. Receive your phone notifications on…

kdecoration 5.18.5

KDecoration is a library to create window decorations. These window decorations can be used by for example an X11 based window manager which re-parents a Client window to a window decoration…

kded 5.70.0

KDED stands for KDE Daemon. KDED runs in the background and performs a number of small tasks. Some of these tasks are built in, others are started on demand. …

kdelibs4support 5.70.0

This framework provides code and utilities to ease the transition from kdelibs 4 to KDE Frameworks 5. This includes CMake macros and C++ classes whose functionality has been replaced by code…

kdenlive 20.04.1

Kdenlive is an acronym for KDE Non-Linear Video Editor. Non-linear video editing is much more powerful than beginner's (linear) editors, hence it requires a bit more organization before starting. However, it…

kdepim-apps-libs 20.04.1

This package provides mail related libraries and data files for KDE PIM. …

kdepim-runtime 20.04.1

This package contains Akonadi agents written using KDE Development Platform libraries. Any package that uses Akonadi should probably pull this in as a dependency. The kres-bridges is also parts of…

kdesignerplugin 5.70.0

This framework provides plugins for Qt Designer that allow it to display the widgets provided by various KDE frameworks, as well as a utility (kgendesignerplugin) that can be used to generate other…

kdesu 5.70.0

KDESU provides functionality for building GUI front ends for (password asking) console mode programs. kdesu and kdessh use it to interface with su and ssh respectively. …

kdevelop 5.5.2

The KDevelop IDE provides semantic syntax highlighting, as well as code navigation and completion for C, C++ (using Clang/LLVM), QML, JavaScript, Python and PHP. It also integrates with a debugger, different…

kdevelop-pg-qt 2.2.1

KDevelop-PG-Qt is the parser generator used in KDevplatform for some KDevelop language plugins (Ruby, PHP, CSS...). …

kdewebkit 5.70.0

This library provides KDE integration of the HTML rendering engine WebKit via QtWebKit. …

kdiagram 2.7.0

This package provides libraries for integrating business diagrams in Qt-based applications. `KCharts' provides an implementation of the ODF Chart specification. It supports stock charts, box charts, and whisker charts. `KGantt' provides…

kdiamond 19.08.3

KDiamond is a three-in-a-row game like Bejeweled. It features unlimited fun with randomly generated games and five difficulty levels with varying number of diamond colors and board sizes. This package is part…

kdnssd 5.70.0

KDNSSD is a library for handling the DNS-based Service Discovery Protocol (DNS-SD), the layer of Zeroconf that allows network services, such as printers, to be discovered without any user intervention or centralized…

kdoctools 5.70.0

Provides tools to generate documentation in various format from DocBook files. …

keepalived 2.0.19

Keepalived provides frameworks for both load balancing and high availability. The load balancing framework relies on the Linux Virtual Server ("IPVS") kernel module. High availability is achieved by the Virtual Redundancy…

keepassxc 2.6.0

KeePassXC is a password manager or safe which helps you to manage your passwords in a secure way. You can put all your passwords in one database, which is locked with…

keepkey-agent 0.9.0

This package allows using KeepKey as a hardware SSH/GPG agent. …

kemoticons 5.70.0

KEmoticons converts emoticons from text to a graphical representation with images in HTML. It supports setting different themes for emoticons coming from different providers. …

kentutils 302.0.0

This package provides the kentUtils, a selection of bioinformatics utilities used in combination with the UCSC genome browser. …

keventviews 20.04.1

This library provides an event creator for KDE PIM. …

kexec-tools 2.0.20

This package provides the `kexec' program and ancillary utilities. Using `kexec', it is possible to boot directly into a new kernel from the context of an already-running kernel, bypassing the normal…

key-mon 1.17

The key-mon utility displays the current keyboard and mouse status. This is useful for teaching and screencasts. …

keybinder 0.3.1

Keybinder is a library for registering global keyboard shortcuts. Keybinder works with GTK-based applications using the X Window System. …

keybinder-3.0 0.3.2

Keybinder is a library for registering global keyboard shortcuts. Keybinder works with GTK-based applications using the X Window System. …

keynav 0.20110708.0

Keynav makes your keyboard a fast mouse cursor mover. You can move the cursor to any point on the screen with a few key strokes. It also simulates mouse click.…

keyutils 1.6.1

Keyutils is a set of utilities for managing the key retention facility in the Linux kernel, which can be used by file systems, block devices, and more to gain and retain the…

kfilemetadata 5.70.0

KFileMetaData provides a simple library for extracting the text and metadata from a number of different files. This library is typically used by file indexers to retrieve the metadata. This…

kfourinline 19.08.3

KFourInLine is a board game for two players based on the Connect-Four game. KFourInLine is a game where two players take turns dropping pieces into a grid, the winner being the first…

kget 20.04.1

KGet is an advanced download manager with support for Metalink and Bittorrent. Downloads are added to the list, where they can be paused, queued, or scheduled for later. KGet supports download…

kglobalaccel 5.70.0

KGlobalAccel allows you to have global accelerators that are independent of the focused window. Unlike regular shortcuts, the application's window does not need focus for them to be activated. …

kgoldrunner 19.08.3

KGoldrunner is an action game where the hero runs through a maze, climbs stairs, dig holes and dodges enemies in order to collect all the gold nuggets and escape to the next…

kgpg 20.04.1

Kgpg manages cryptographic keys for the GNU Privacy Guard, and can encrypt, decrypt, sign, and verify files. It features a simple editor for applying cryptography to short pieces of text, and…

kguiaddons 5.70.0

The KDE GUI addons provide utilities for graphical user interfaces in the areas of colors, fonts, text, images, keyboard input. …

khal 0.10.1

Khal is a standards based console calendar program, able to synchronize with CalDAV servers through vdirsyncer. …

khard 0.16.1

Khard is an address book for the console. It creates, reads, modifies and removes CardDAV address book entries at your local machine. For synchronizing with a remote address book, `vdirsyncer'…

khelpcenter 20.04.1

KHelpCenter uses meta data files which describe the documentation available in the system. Each document is represented by a meta data file and shown as an entry in the KHelpCenter navigation…

khmer 3.0.0a3

The khmer software is a set of command-line tools for working with DNA shotgun sequencing data from genomes, transcriptomes, metagenomes and single cells. Khmer can make de novo assemblies faster, and sometimes…

kholidays 5.70.0

This library provides a C++ API that determines holiday and other special events for a geographical region. …

khtml 5.70.0

KHTML is a web rendering engine, based on the KParts technology and using KJS for JavaScript support. …

ki18n 5.70.0

KI18n provides functionality for internationalizing user interface text in applications, based on the GNU Gettext translation system. It wraps the standard Gettext functionality, so that the programmers and translators can use the…

kicad 5.1.6

Kicad is a program for the formation of printed circuit boards and electrical circuits. The software has a number of programs that perform specific functions, for example, pcbnew (Editing PCB), eeschema…

kicad-footprints 5.1.6

This package contains the official KiCad footprint libraries. …

kicad-packages3d 5.1.6

This package contains the official KiCad 3D model libraries. …

kicad-symbols 5.1.6

This package contains the official KiCad schematic symbol libraries. …

kicad-templates 5.1.6

This package contains the official KiCad project and worksheet templates. …

kiconthemes 5.70.0

This library contains classes to improve the handling of icons in applications using the KDE Frameworks. …

kidentitymanagement 20.04.1

This library provides an API for managing user identities. …

kidletime 5.70.0

KIdleTime is a singleton reporting information on idle time. It is useful not only for finding out about the current idle time of the PC, but also for getting notified upon…

kigo 19.08.3

Kigo is an open-source implementation of the popular Go game. Go is a strategic board game for two players. It is also known as igo (Japanese), weiqi or wei ch'i (Chinese)…

kiki 1.0.2

Kiki the nano bot is a 3D puzzle game. It is basically a mixture of the games Sokoban and Kula-World. Your task is to help Kiki, a small robot…

killbots 19.08.3

Killbots is a simple game of evading killer robots. Who created the robots and why they have been programmed to destroy, no one knows. All that is known is that the…

kimageformats 5.70.0

This framework provides additional image format plugins for QtGui. As such it is not required for the compilation of any other software, but may be a runtime requirement for Qt-based software…

kimap 20.04.1

This library provides a job-based API for interacting with an IMAP4rev1 server. It manages connections, encryption and parameter quoting and encoding, but otherwise provides quite a low-level interface to the protocol. …


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