Packages — S (Seite 1 von 8)


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s-shell 0.0.0-2.da2e5c2

S is a new shell that aims to be extremely simple. S does not implemnt the POSIX shell standard. There are no globs or "splatting" where a variable $FOO turns…

s-tui 1.0.2

The Stress Terminal UI displays graphs of the CPU frequency, utilization, temperature and power. …

s2tc 1.0

S2TC is a patent-free implementation of S3 Texture Compression (S3TC, also known as DXTn or DXTC) for Mesa. …


s6 is a small suite of programs for UNIX, designed to allow process supervision (a.k.a. service supervision), in the line of daemontools and runit, as well as various operations on processes…


s6-dns is a suite of DNS client programs and libraries for Unix systems, as an alternative to the BIND, djbdns or other DNS clients. …


s6-linux-init is a set of minimalistic tools to create a s6-based init system, including an `/sbin/init' binary, on a Linux kernel. It is meant to automate creation of scripts revolving around the…


s6-linux-utils is a set of minimalistic Linux-specific system utilities, such as `mount', `umount', and `chroot' commands, Linux uevent listeners, a `devd' device hotplug daemon, and more. …


s6-networking is a suite of small networking utilities for Unix systems. It includes command-line client and server management, TCP access control, privilege escalation across UNIX domain sockets, IDENT protocol management and clock…


s6-portable-utils is a set of tiny general Unix utilities, often performing well-known tasks such as `cut' and `grep', but optimized for simplicity and small size. They were designed for embedded systems…


s6-rc is a service manager for s6-based systems, i.e. a suite of programs that can start and stop services, both long-running daemons and one-time initialization scripts, in the proper order according…

saga 7.6.2

SAGA (System for Automated Geoscientific Analyses) is a Geographic Information System (GIS) software. It has been designed for an easy and effective implementation of spatial algorithms and it offers a comprehensive,…

sailfish 0.10.1

Sailfish is a tool for genomic transcript quantification from RNA-seq data. It requires a set of target transcripts (either from a reference or de-novo assembly) to quantify. All you need…

sakura 3.7.1

`Sakura' is a terminal emulator based on GTK+ and VTE. It's a terminal emulator with few dependencies, so you don't need a full GNOME desktop installed to have a decent terminal…

sala 1.3

Store passwords and other bits of sensitive plain-text information to encrypted files on a directory hierarchy. The information is protected by GnuPG's symmetrical encryption. …

salmon 0.13.1

Salmon is a program to produce highly-accurate, transcript-level quantification estimates from RNA-seq data. Salmon achieves its accuracy and speed via a number of different innovations, including the use of lightweight alignments (accurate…

samba 4.12.3

Since 1992, Samba has provided secure, stable and fast file and print services for all clients using the SMB/CIFS protocol, such as all versions of DOS and Windows, OS/2, GNU/Linux and many…

sambamba 0.7.1

Sambamba is a high performance modern robust and fast tool (and library), written in the D programming language, for working with SAM and BAM files. Current parallelised functionality is an important subset…

samblaster 0.1.24

Samblaster is a fast and flexible program for marking duplicates in read-id grouped paired-end SAM files. It can also optionally output discordant read pairs and/or split read mappings to separate SAM…

sameboy 0.13.5

SameBoy is a user friendly Game Boy, Game Boy Color and Super Game Boy emulator. SameBoy is accurate and includes a wide range of debugging features. It has all the features…

samplv1 0.9.16

Samplv1 is an old-school polyphonic sampler synthesizer with stereo effects. …

samtools 1.9

Samtools implements various utilities for post-processing nucleotide sequence alignments in the SAM, BAM, and CRAM formats, including indexing, variant calling (in conjunction with bcftools), and a simple alignment viewer. …

samtools 0.1.19

Samtools implements various utilities for post-processing nucleotide sequence alignments in the SAM, BAM, and CRAM formats, including indexing, variant calling (in conjunction with bcftools), and a simple alignment viewer. …

sane-backends 1.0.30

SANE stands for "Scanner Access Now Easy" and is an API proving access to any raster image scanner hardware (flatbed scanner, hand-held scanner, video- and still-cameras, frame-grabbers, etc.). The package contains…

sane-backends-minimal 1.0.30

SANE stands for "Scanner Access Now Easy" and is an API proving access to any raster image scanner hardware (flatbed scanner, hand-held scanner, video- and still-cameras, frame-grabbers, etc.). The package contains…

sassc 3.6.1

SassC is a compiler written in C for the CSS pre-processor language known as SASS. …

sawfish 1.12.0

Sawfish is an extensible window manager using a Lisp-based scripting language. Its policy is very minimal compared to most window managers. Its aim is simply to manage windows in the most…

sbc 1.4

The SBC is a digital audio encoder and decoder used to transfer data to Bluetooth audio output devices like headphones or loudspeakers. …

sbcl 2.0.7

Steel Bank Common Lisp (SBCL) is a high performance Common Lisp compiler. In addition to the compiler and runtime system for ANSI Common Lisp, it provides an interactive environment including a…

sbcl-1am 0.0-1.8b1da94

A minimal testing framework for Common Lisp. …

sbcl-3bmd 0.0.0-1.192ea13

Common Lisp Markdown -> HTML converter, using `esrap' for parsing, and grammar based on `peg-markdown'. …

sbcl-3bmd-ext-code-blocks 0.0.0-1.192ea13

3bmd extension which adds support for GitHub-style fenced code blocks, with `colorize' support. …

sbcl-3bz 0.0.0-0.d611908

3bz is an implementation of Deflate decompression (RFC 1951) optionally with zlib (RFC 1950) or gzip (RFC 1952) wrappers, with support for reading from foreign pointers (for use with mmap and similar,…

sbcl-acclimation 0.0.0-1.4d51150

This project is meant to provide tools for internationalizing Common Lisp programs. One important aspect of internationalization is of course the language used in error messages, documentation strings, etc. But with this…

sbcl-alexandria 1.1

Alexandria is a collection of portable utilities. It does not contain conceptual extensions to Common Lisp. It is conservative in scope, and portable between implementations. …

sbcl-anaphora 0.9.6

Anaphora is the anaphoric macro collection from Hell: it includes many new fiends in addition to old friends like `aif' and `awhen'. …

sbcl-antik 0.0.0-1.e4711a6

Antik provides a foundation for scientific and engineering computation in Common Lisp. It is designed not only to facilitate numerical computations, but to permit the use of numerical computation libraries and…

sbcl-antik-base 0.0.0-1.e4711a6

Antik provides a foundation for scientific and engineering computation in Common Lisp. It is designed not only to facilitate numerical computations, but to permit the use of numerical computation libraries and…

sbcl-archive 0.9-1.631271c

This is a Common Lisp library to read and write disk-based file archives such as those generated by the tar and cpio programs on Unix. …

sbcl-array-utils 1.1.1-0.f90eb90

A miniature toolkit that contains some useful shifting/popping/pushing functions for arrays and vectors. Originally from Plump. …

sbcl-arrows 0.2.0-0.df7cf00

This library implements the `->' and `->>' macros from Clojure, as well as several expansions on the idea. …

sbcl-ascii-strings 0-1.5048480

Operations on ASCII strings. Essentially this can be any kind of single-byte encoded strings. …

sbcl-automaton 0.9.7-0.27b4d7a

McCLIM is an implementation of the _Common Lisp Interface Manager specification_, a toolkit for writing GUIs in Common Lisp. …

sbcl-babel 0.5.0-1.aeed2d1

Babel is a charset encoding and decoding library, not unlike GNU libiconv, but completely written in Common Lisp. …

sbcl-blackbird 0.5.2-1.d361f81

This is a standalone promise implementation for Common Lisp. It is the successor to the now-deprecated cl-async-future project. …

sbcl-bordeaux-fft 1.0.1-0.4a1f560

The Bordeaux-FFT library provides a reasonably efficient implementation of the Fast Fourier Transform and its inverse for complex-valued inputs, in portable Common Lisp. …

sbcl-bordeaux-threads 0.8.8

BORDEAUX-THREADS is a proposed standard for a minimal MP/Threading interface. It is similar to the CLIM-SYS threading and lock support. …

sbcl-bst 1.1-1.34f9c7e

BST is a Common Lisp library for working with binary search trees that can contain any kind of values. …

sbcl-burgled-batteries3 0.0.0-2.f65f454

This package provides a shim between Python3 (specifically, the CPython implementation of Python) and Common Lisp. …

sbcl-cambl 4.0.0-1.7016d1a

CAMBL is a Common Lisp library providing a convenient facility for working with commoditized values. It does not allow compound units (and so is not suited for scientific operations) but does…

sbcl-cffi 0.21.0

The Common Foreign Function Interface (CFFI) purports to be a portable foreign function interface for Common Lisp. The CFFI library is composed of a Lisp-implementation-specific backend in the CFFI-SYS package, and…

sbcl-cffi-grovel 0.21.0

The Common Foreign Function Interface (CFFI) purports to be a portable foreign function interface for Common Lisp. The CFFI library is composed of a Lisp-implementation-specific backend in the CFFI-SYS package, and…

sbcl-cffi-libffi 0.21.0

The Common Foreign Function Interface (CFFI) purports to be a portable foreign function interface for Common Lisp. The CFFI library is composed of a Lisp-implementation-specific backend in the CFFI-SYS package, and…

sbcl-cffi-toolchain 0.21.0

The Common Foreign Function Interface (CFFI) purports to be a portable foreign function interface for Common Lisp. The CFFI library is composed of a Lisp-implementation-specific backend in the CFFI-SYS package, and…

sbcl-cffi-uffi-compat 0.21.0

The Common Foreign Function Interface (CFFI) purports to be a portable foreign function interface for Common Lisp. The CFFI library is composed of a Lisp-implementation-specific backend in the CFFI-SYS package, and…

sbcl-chanl 0.4.1-1.56e90a1

Common Lisp library for channel-based concurrency. In a nutshell, you create various threads sequentially executing tasks you need done, and use channel objects to communicate and synchronize the state of these…

sbcl-checkl 0.0.0-1.8032880

CheckL lets you write tests dynamically, it checks resulting values against the last run. …

sbcl-chipz 0.8-1.75dfbc6

DEFLATE data, defined in RFC1951, forms the core of popular compression formats such as zlib (RFC 1950) and gzip (RFC 1952). As such, Chipz also provides for decompressing data in those…

sbcl-chunga 1.1.7

Chunga implements streams capable of chunked encoding on demand as defined in RFC 2616. …

sbcl-circular-streams 0.1.0-1.e770bad

Circular-Streams allows you to read streams circularly by wrapping real streams. Once you reach end-of-file of a stream, it's file position will be reset to 0 and you're able to read it…

sbcl-cl+ssl 0.0.0-1.701e645

This library is a fork of SSL-CMUCL. The original SSL-CMUCL source code was written by Eric Marsden and includes contributions by Jochen Schmidt. Development into CL+SSL was done by David Lichteblau. …

sbcl-cl-aa 0.1.5

This is a Common Lisp library implementing the AA polygon rasterization algorithm from the Antigrain ( project. …

sbcl-cl-ana 0.0.0-1.fa7cee4

CL-ANA is a data analysis library in Common Lisp providing tabular and binned data analysis along with nonlinear least squares fitting and visualization. …

sbcl-cl-ana.binary-tree 0.0.0-1.fa7cee4

CL-ANA is a data analysis library in Common Lisp providing tabular and binned data analysis along with nonlinear least squares fitting and visualization. …

sbcl-cl-ana.calculus 0.0.0-1.fa7cee4

CL-ANA is a data analysis library in Common Lisp providing tabular and binned data analysis along with nonlinear least squares fitting and visualization. …

sbcl-cl-ana.clos-utils 0.0.0-1.fa7cee4

CL-ANA is a data analysis library in Common Lisp providing tabular and binned data analysis along with nonlinear least squares fitting and visualization. …

sbcl-cl-ana.csv-table 0.0.0-1.fa7cee4

CL-ANA is a data analysis library in Common Lisp providing tabular and binned data analysis along with nonlinear least squares fitting and visualization. …

sbcl-cl-ana.error-propogation 0.0.0-1.fa7cee4

CL-ANA is a data analysis library in Common Lisp providing tabular and binned data analysis along with nonlinear least squares fitting and visualization. …

sbcl-cl-ana.file-utils 0.0.0-1.fa7cee4

CL-ANA is a data analysis library in Common Lisp providing tabular and binned data analysis along with nonlinear least squares fitting and visualization. …

sbcl-cl-ana.fitting 0.0.0-1.fa7cee4

CL-ANA is a data analysis library in Common Lisp providing tabular and binned data analysis along with nonlinear least squares fitting and visualization. …

sbcl-cl-ana.functional-utils 0.0.0-1.fa7cee4

CL-ANA is a data analysis library in Common Lisp providing tabular and binned data analysis along with nonlinear least squares fitting and visualization. …

sbcl-cl-ana.generic-math 0.0.0-1.fa7cee4

CL-ANA is a data analysis library in Common Lisp providing tabular and binned data analysis along with nonlinear least squares fitting and visualization. …

sbcl-cl-ana.gnuplot-interface 0.0.0-1.fa7cee4

CL-ANA is a data analysis library in Common Lisp providing tabular and binned data analysis along with nonlinear least squares fitting and visualization. …

sbcl-cl-ana.gsl-cffi 0.0.0-1.fa7cee4

CL-ANA is a data analysis library in Common Lisp providing tabular and binned data analysis along with nonlinear least squares fitting and visualization. …

sbcl-cl-ana.hash-table-utils 0.0.0-1.fa7cee4

CL-ANA is a data analysis library in Common Lisp providing tabular and binned data analysis along with nonlinear least squares fitting and visualization. …

sbcl-cl-ana.hdf-cffi 0.0.0-1.fa7cee4

CL-ANA is a data analysis library in Common Lisp providing tabular and binned data analysis along with nonlinear least squares fitting and visualization. …

sbcl-cl-ana.hdf-table 0.0.0-1.fa7cee4

CL-ANA is a data analysis library in Common Lisp providing tabular and binned data analysis along with nonlinear least squares fitting and visualization. …

sbcl-cl-ana.hdf-typespec 0.0.0-1.fa7cee4

CL-ANA is a data analysis library in Common Lisp providing tabular and binned data analysis along with nonlinear least squares fitting and visualization. …

sbcl-cl-ana.hdf-utils 0.0.0-1.fa7cee4

CL-ANA is a data analysis library in Common Lisp providing tabular and binned data analysis along with nonlinear least squares fitting and visualization. …

sbcl-cl-ana.histogram 0.0.0-1.fa7cee4

CL-ANA is a data analysis library in Common Lisp providing tabular and binned data analysis along with nonlinear least squares fitting and visualization. … 0.0.0-1.fa7cee4

CL-ANA is a data analysis library in Common Lisp providing tabular and binned data analysis along with nonlinear least squares fitting and visualization. …

sbcl-cl-ana.linear-algebra 0.0.0-1.fa7cee4

CL-ANA is a data analysis library in Common Lisp providing tabular and binned data analysis along with nonlinear least squares fitting and visualization. …

sbcl-cl-ana.list-utils 0.0.0-1.fa7cee4

CL-ANA is a data analysis library in Common Lisp providing tabular and binned data analysis along with nonlinear least squares fitting and visualization. …

sbcl-cl-ana.lorentz 0.0.0-1.fa7cee4

CL-ANA is a data analysis library in Common Lisp providing tabular and binned data analysis along with nonlinear least squares fitting and visualization. …

sbcl-cl-ana.macro-utils 0.0.0-1.fa7cee4

CL-ANA is a data analysis library in Common Lisp providing tabular and binned data analysis along with nonlinear least squares fitting and visualization. …

sbcl-cl-ana.makeres 0.0.0-1.fa7cee4

CL-ANA is a data analysis library in Common Lisp providing tabular and binned data analysis along with nonlinear least squares fitting and visualization. …

sbcl-cl-ana.makeres-block 0.0.0-1.fa7cee4

CL-ANA is a data analysis library in Common Lisp providing tabular and binned data analysis along with nonlinear least squares fitting and visualization. …

sbcl-cl-ana.makeres-branch 0.0.0-1.fa7cee4

CL-ANA is a data analysis library in Common Lisp providing tabular and binned data analysis along with nonlinear least squares fitting and visualization. …

sbcl-cl-ana.makeres-graphviz 0.0.0-1.fa7cee4

CL-ANA is a data analysis library in Common Lisp providing tabular and binned data analysis along with nonlinear least squares fitting and visualization. …

sbcl-cl-ana.makeres-macro 0.0.0-1.fa7cee4

CL-ANA is a data analysis library in Common Lisp providing tabular and binned data analysis along with nonlinear least squares fitting and visualization. …

sbcl-cl-ana.makeres-progress 0.0.0-1.fa7cee4

CL-ANA is a data analysis library in Common Lisp providing tabular and binned data analysis along with nonlinear least squares fitting and visualization. …

sbcl-cl-ana.makeres-table 0.0.0-1.fa7cee4

CL-ANA is a data analysis library in Common Lisp providing tabular and binned data analysis along with nonlinear least squares fitting and visualization. …

sbcl-cl-ana.makeres-utils 0.0.0-1.fa7cee4

CL-ANA is a data analysis library in Common Lisp providing tabular and binned data analysis along with nonlinear least squares fitting and visualization. … 0.0.0-1.fa7cee4

CL-ANA is a data analysis library in Common Lisp providing tabular and binned data analysis along with nonlinear least squares fitting and visualization. …

sbcl-cl-ana.math-functions 0.0.0-1.fa7cee4

CL-ANA is a data analysis library in Common Lisp providing tabular and binned data analysis along with nonlinear least squares fitting and visualization. …

sbcl-cl-ana.memoization 0.0.0-1.fa7cee4

CL-ANA is a data analysis library in Common Lisp providing tabular and binned data analysis along with nonlinear least squares fitting and visualization. …

sbcl-cl-ana.ntuple-table 0.0.0-1.fa7cee4

CL-ANA is a data analysis library in Common Lisp providing tabular and binned data analysis along with nonlinear least squares fitting and visualization. …

sbcl-cl-ana.package-utils 0.0.0-1.fa7cee4

CL-ANA is a data analysis library in Common Lisp providing tabular and binned data analysis along with nonlinear least squares fitting and visualization. …

sbcl-cl-ana.pathname-utils 0.0.0-1.fa7cee4

CL-ANA is a data analysis library in Common Lisp providing tabular and binned data analysis along with nonlinear least squares fitting and visualization. …

sbcl-cl-ana.plotting 0.0.0-1.fa7cee4

CL-ANA is a data analysis library in Common Lisp providing tabular and binned data analysis along with nonlinear least squares fitting and visualization. …

sbcl-cl-ana.quantity 0.0.0-1.fa7cee4

CL-ANA is a data analysis library in Common Lisp providing tabular and binned data analysis along with nonlinear least squares fitting and visualization. …


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