Packages — F (Seite 1 von 3)


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f-seq 1.1-1.6ccded3

F-Seq is a software package that generates a continuous tag sequence density estimation allowing identification of biologically meaningful sites such as transcription factor binding sites (ChIP-seq) or regions of open chromatin (DNase-seq). …

f2fs-fsck-static 1.13.0

This package provides statically-linked fsck.f2fs command taken from the f2fs-tools package. It is meant to be used in initrds. …

f2fs-tools 1.7.0

F2FS, the Flash-Friendly File System, is a modern file system designed to be fast and durable on flash devices such as solid-state disks and SD cards. This package provides the userland…

f2fs-tools 1.13.0

F2FS, the Flash-Friendly File System, is a modern file system designed to be fast and durable on flash devices such as solid-state disks and SD cards. This package provides the userland…

f2fs-tools-static 1.13.0

F2FS, the Flash-Friendly File System, is a modern file system designed to be fast and durable on flash devices such as solid-state disks and SD cards. This package provides the userland…

f3 7.2

F3 (Fight Flash Fraud or Fight Fake Flash) tests the full capacity of a flash card (flash drive, flash disk, pendrive). F3 writes to the card and then checks if can…

faad2 2.8.6

FAAD2 is an MPEG-4 and MPEG-2 AAC decoder supporting LC, Main, LTP, SBR, PS, and DAB+. …

faba-icon-theme 4.3

Faba is a minimal icon set used as a basis for other themes such as Moka …

fabric 1.14.1

Fabric is designed to upload files and run shell commands on a number of servers in parallel or serially. These commands are grouped in tasks (which are regular Python functions) and…

facter 4.0.33

Facter is a tool that gathers basic facts about nodes (systems) such as hardware details, network settings, OS type and version, and more. These facts can be collected on the command…

faiss 1.5.0

Faiss is a library for efficient similarity search and clustering of dense vectors. It contains algorithms that search in sets of vectors of any size, up to ones that possibly do…

fakechroot 2.20.1

`fakechroot' runs a command in an environment were is additional possibility to use `chroot' command without root privileges. This is useful for allowing users to create own chrooted environment with possibility…

fakeroot 1.24

`fakeroot' runs a command in an environment where it appears to have root privileges for file manipulation. This is useful for allowing users to create archives (tar, ar, .deb etc.) with…

fann 2.2.0-1.d71d5478

FANN is a neural network library, which implements multilayer artificial neural networks in C with support for both fully connected and sparsely connected networks. …

fasd 1.0.1

Fasd (pronounced similar to "fast") is a command-line productivity booster. Fasd offers quick access to files and directories for POSIX shells. It is inspired by tools like autojump, z, and…

fasm 1.73.24

FASM (the Flat ASseMbler) is an assembler that supports x86 and IA-64 Intel architectures. It does multiple passes to optimize machine code. It has macro abilities and focuses on operating…

fastahack 1.0.0

Fastahack is a small application for indexing and extracting sequences and subsequences from FASTA files. The included library provides a FASTA reader and indexer that can be embedded into applications which…

fastboot 7.1.2_r36

This package provides `fastboot', a tool to upload file system images to Android devices. …

fastcap 2.0-18Sep92

Fastcap is a capacitance extraction program based on a multipole-accelerated algorithm. …

fasthenry 3.0-12Nov96

Fasthenry is an inductance extraction program based on a multipole-accelerated algorithm. …

fastjar 0.98

FastJar is an attempt to create a much faster replacement for Sun's `jar' utility. Instead of being written in Java, FastJar is written in C. …

fastp 0.14.1

Fastp is a tool designed to provide fast all-in-one preprocessing for FastQ files. This tool has multi-threading support to afford high performance. …

fastqc 0.11.5

FastQC aims to provide a simple way to do some quality control checks on raw sequence data coming from high throughput sequencing pipelines. It provides a modular set of analyses which…

fasttree 2.1.10

FastTree can handle alignments with up to a million of sequences in a reasonable amount of time and memory. For large alignments, FastTree is 100-1,000 times faster than PhyML 3.0 or…

fastx-toolkit 0.0.14

The FASTX-Toolkit is a collection of command line tools for Short-Reads FASTA/FASTQ files preprocessing. Next-Generation sequencing machines usually produce FASTA or FASTQ files, containing multiple short-reads sequences. The main processing of such FASTA/FASTQ…

fatfsck-static 4.1

This package provides a statically-linked `fsck.fat' and a `fsck.vfat' compatibility symlink for use in an initrd. …

faudio 19.11

FAudio is an XAudio reimplementation that focuses solely on developing fully accurate DirectX Audio runtime libraries. …

faust 0.9.90

Faust is a programming language for realtime audio signal processing. …

faust 2.5.23

Faust is a programming language for realtime audio signal processing. …

fbcat 0.5.1

fbcat saves the contents of the Linux framebuffer (`/dev/fb*'), or a dump therof. It supports a wide range of drivers and pixel formats. `fbcat' can take screenshots of virtually any…

fbida 2.14

fbida contains a few applications for viewing and editing images on the framebuffer. …

fbreader 0.99.6

`fbreader' is an E-Book reader. It supports the following formats: 1. CHM 2. Docbook 3. FB2 4. HTML 5. OEB 6. PDB …

fbset 2.1

The kernel Linux's "frame buffers" provide a simple interface to different kinds of graphic displays. The `fbset' utility can query and change various device settings such as depth, virtual resolution, and…

fc-host-tools 11

This package provides some tools for debugging FreeCalypso phones and the FreeCalypso FCDEV3B dev board. 1. fc-e1decode: Decodes a binary Melody E1 file into an ASCII source file. 2.…

fcgi 2.4.2

FastCGI is a language-independent, scalable extension to CGI that provides high performance without the limitations of server specific APIs. …

fcgiwrap 1.1.0

Fcgiwrap is a simple server for running CGI applications over FastCGI. It hopes to provide clean CGI support to Nginx (and other web servers that may need it). …


Fcitx is an input method framework with extension support. It has Pinyin, Quwei and some table-based (Wubi, Cangjie, Erbi, etc.) input methods built-in. …

fcitx-configtool 0.4.10

Fcitx is an input method framework with extension support. It has Pinyin, Quwei and some table-based (Wubi, Cangjie, Erbi, etc.) input methods built-in. This package provides GTK version of the…

fd 8.1.1

`fd' is a simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to `find'. While it does not seek to mirror all of find's powerful functionality, it provides defaults for 80% of the use cases. …

fdisk 2.0.0a1

GNU fdisk provides a GNU version of the common disk partitioning tool fdisk. fdisk is used for the creation and manipulation of disk partition tables, and it understands a variety of different…

fdm 2.0

fdm is a program designed to fetch mail from POP3 or IMAP servers, or receive local mail from stdin, and deliver it in various ways. …

fdroidserver 1.1.1

The F-Droid server tools provide various scripts and tools that are used to maintain F-Droid, the repository of free Android applications. You can use these same tools to create your own…

fdupes 1.6.1

fdupes is a program for identifying duplicate files residing within specified directories. …

fe 2.0

Fe is a small folding editor. It folds arbitrary text regions; it is not bound to syntactic units. Fe has no configuration or extension language and requires no setup. Its…

feedbackd 0.0.0+git20200527

Feedbackd provides a DBus daemon to act on events to provide haptic, visual and audio feedback. It offers the libfeedbackd library and GObject introspection bindings. …

feh 3.4.1

feh is an X11 image viewer aimed mostly at console users. Unlike most other viewers, it does not have a fancy GUI, but simply displays images. It can also be…

femtolisp 0.0.0-2.ec76010

`femtolisp' is a scheme-like lisp implementation with a simple, elegant Scheme dialect. It is a lisp-1 with lexical scope. The core is 12 builtin special forms and 33 builtin functions. …

fenics 2019.1.0.post0

`fenics' is a computing platform for solving general classes of problems that involve differential equations. `fenics' facilitates access to efficient methods for dealing with ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and partial differential equations…

fenics-dolfin 2019.1.0.post0

DOLFIN is a computational framework for finding numerical solutions to problems described by differential equations. Numerical models in DOLFIN are constructed using general families of finite elements. Data structures are…

festival 2.5.0

Festival offers a general framework for building speech synthesis systems as well as including examples of various modules. As a whole it offers full text to speech through a number APIs:…

fet 5.45.1

FET is a program for automatically scheduling the timetable of a school, high-school or university. It uses a fast and efficient timetabling algorithm. Usually, FET is able to solve a complicated…

fetchmail 6.4.8

Fetchmail is a full-featured, robust, well-documented remote-mail retrieval and forwarding utility intended to be used over on-demand TCP/IP links (such as SLIP or PPP connections). It supports every remote-mail protocol now…

fflas-ffpack 2.4.3

FFLAS-FFPACK is a C++ template library for basic linear algebra operations over a finite field. FFLAS (Finite Field Linear Algebra Subprograms) provides the implementation of a subset of routines of the…

ffmpeg 4.3.1

FFmpeg is a complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video. It includes the libavcodec audio/video codec library. …

ffmpeg 4.2.3

FFmpeg is a complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video. It includes the libavcodec audio/video codec library. …

ffmpeg 3.4.7

FFmpeg is a complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video. It includes the libavcodec audio/video codec library. …

ffmpeg-jami 4.3.1

FFmpeg is a complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video. It includes the libavcodec audio/video codec library. …

ffmpegthumbnailer 2.2.2

FFmpegthumbnailer is a lightweight video thumbnailer that can be used by file managers to create thumbnails for your video files. The thumbnailer uses ffmpeg to decode frames from the video files,…

ffmpegthumbs 20.04.1

FFMpegThumbs is a video thumbnail generator for KDE file managers like Dolphin and Konqueror. It enables them to show preview images of video files using FFMpeg. This package is part of the…

ffms2 2.23

FFMpegSource is a wrapper library around ffmpeg/libav that allows programmers to access a standard API to open and decompress media files. …

fftw 3.3.8

FFTW is a C subroutine library for computing the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) in one or more dimensions, of arbitrary input size, and of both real and complex data (as well as…

fftw-openmpi 3.3.8

FFTW is a C subroutine library for computing the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) in one or more dimensions, of arbitrary input size, and of both real and complex data (as well as…

fftwf 3.3.8

FFTW is a C subroutine library for computing the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) in one or more dimensions, of arbitrary input size, and of both real and complex data (as well as…

fgallery 1.8.2

FGallery is a static, JavaScript photo gallery generator with minimalist look. The result can be uploaded on any web server without additional requirements. …

fifechan 0.1.5

Fifechan is a lightweight cross platform GUI library written in C++ specifically designed for games. It has a built in set of extendable GUI Widgets, and allows users to create more. …

fifengine 0.4.2

FIFE (Flexible Isometric Free Engine) is a multi-platform isometric game engine. Python bindings are included allowing users to create games using Python as well as C++. …

fifo-map 1.1.1-0.0dfbf5d

Fifo_map is a C++ header only library for associative container which uses the order in which keys were inserted to the container as ordering relation. …

figlet 2.2.5

FIGlet is a program for making large ASCII art letterforms out of ordinary screen characters. …

fil-plugins 0.3.0

This package provides a LADSPA plugin for a four-band parametric equalizer. Each section has an active/bypass switch, frequency, bandwidth and gain controls. There is also a global bypass switch and gain…

file 5.38

The file command is a file type guesser, a command-line tool that tells you in words what kind of data a file contains. It does not rely on filename extensions to…

file-roller 3.32.3

File Roller is an archive manager for the GNOME desktop environment that allows users to view, unpack, and create compressed archives such as gzip tarballs. …

filevercmp 0-1.1a9b779

This program compares version strings. It intends to be a replacement for strverscmp. …

filezilla 3.42.1

Filezilla client supports FTP, FTP over SSL/TLS (FTPS), SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP), HTTP/1.1, SOCKS5, FTP-Proxy, IPv6 and others features such as bookmarks, drag and drop, filename filters, directory comparison and more. …

fillets-ng 1.0.1

Fish Fillets NG is strictly a puzzle game. The goal in every of the seventy levels is always the same: find a safe way out. The fish utter witty…

filteraudio 0.0.0-1.2fc6695

An easy to use audio filtering library made from webrtc code, used in `libtoxcore'. …

filters 2.55

The filters collection harks back to the late 1980s, when various text filters were written to munge written language in amusing ways. The earliest and best known were legends such as…

filtlong 0.2.0-1.d1bb46d

The Filtlong package is a tool for filtering long reads by quality. It can take a set of long reads and produce a smaller, better subset. It uses both…

find-circ 1.2-1.8655dca

This package provides tools to detect head-to-tail spliced (back-spliced) sequencing reads, indicative of circular RNA (circRNA) in RNA-seq data. …

findnewest 0.3

Recursively find the newest file in a file tree and print its modification time. …

findutils 4.7.0

Findutils supplies the basic file directory searching utilities of the GNU system. It consists of two primary searching utilities: "find" recursively searches for files in a directory according to given criteria…

fio 3.21

fio is a tool that will spawn a number of threads or processes doing a particular type of I/O action as specified by the user. The typical use of fio is…

firefox-decrypt 0.7.0

Firefox Decrypt is a tool to extract passwords from Mozilla (Firefox, Waterfox, Thunderbird, SeaMonkey) profiles. …

fish 3.1.2

Fish (friendly interactive shell) is a shell focused on interactive use, discoverability, and friendliness. Fish has very user-friendly and powerful tab-completion, including descriptions of every completion, completion of strings with wildcards, and…

fish-foreign-env 0.20190116

`fish-foreign-env' wraps bash script execution in a way that environment variables that are exported or modified get imported back into fish. …

five-or-more 3.32.2

Five or More is a game where you try to align five or more objects of the same color and shape causing them to disappear. On every turn more objects…

fizmo 0.8.5

Fizmo is a console-based Z-machine interpreter. It is used to play interactive fiction, also known as text adventures, which were implemented either by Infocom or created using the Inform compiler. …

flac 1.3.3

FLAC stands for Free Lossless Audio Codec, an audio format that is lossless, meaning that audio is compressed in FLAC without any loss in quality. …

flameshot 0.5.1

Flameshot is a screenshot program. Features: * Customizable appearance. * Easy to use. * In-app screenshot edition. * DBus interface. …

flamp 2.2.05

FLAMP is a program for transferring files by radio waves using AMP (Amateur Multicast Protocol). …

flann 1.9.1

FLANN is a library for performing fast approximate nearest neighbor searches in high dimensional spaces. It implements a collection of algorithms and a system for automatically choosing the best algorithm and…

flare-engine 1.11

Flare (Free Libre Action Roleplaying Engine) is a simple game engine built to handle a very specific kind of game: single-player 2D action RPGs. …

flare-game 1.11

Flare is a single-player 2D action RPG with fast-paced action and a dark fantasy style. …

flashrom 1.2

flashrom is a utility for identifying, reading, writing, verifying and erasing flash chips. It is designed to flash BIOS/EFI/coreboot/firmware/optionROM images on mainboards, network/graphics/storage controller cards, and various other programmer devices. …

flatbuffers 1.10.0

FlatBuffers is a cross-platform serialization library for C++, C#, C, Go, Java, JavaScript, PHP, and Python. It was originally created for game development and other performance-critical applications. …

flatpak 1.8.1

Flatpak is a system for building, distributing, and running sandboxed desktop applications on GNU/Linux. …

flatzebra 0.1.7

Flatzebra is a simple, generic C++ game engine library supporting 2D double-buffering. …

fldigi 4.1.13

Fldigi is a software modem for amateur radio use. It is a sound card based program that is used for both transmitting and receiving data by connecting the microphone and headphone…

flex 2.6.4

Flex is a tool for generating scanners. A scanner, sometimes called a tokenizer, is a program which recognizes lexical patterns in text. The flex program reads user-specified input files, or…

flexbar 3.4.0

Flexbar preprocesses high-throughput nucleotide sequencing data efficiently. It demultiplexes barcoded runs and removes adapter sequences. Moreover, trimming and filtering features are provided. Flexbar increases read mapping rates and improves genome…

flightgear 2018.3.5

The goal of the FlightGear project is to create a sophisticated flight simulator framework for use in research or academic environments, pilot training, as an industry engineering tool, for DIY-ers to pursue…


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