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t1lib 5.1.2

T1lib is a library for generating/rasterising bitmaps from Type 1 fonts. It is based on the code of the X11 rasteriser of the X11 project. The bitmaps created by t1lib are…

t4k-common 0.1.1

Tux4Kids-Common is a library of code shared between TuxMath and TuxType. …

tabixpp 1.1.0

This is a C++ wrapper around the Tabix project which abstracts some of the details of opening and jumping in tabix-indexed files. …

tadbit 0.2.0

TADbit is a complete Python library to deal with all steps to analyze, model, and explore 3C-based data. With TADbit the user can map FASTQ files to obtain raw interaction binned…

taglib 1.11.1

TagLib is a C++ library for reading and editing the meta-data of several popular audio formats. Currently it supports both ID3v1 and ID3v2 for MP3 files, Ogg Vorbis comments and ID3…

tailon 1.3.0

Tailon provides a web interface around the tail, grep, awk and sed commands, displaying the results via a web interface. …

taisei 1.3.1

The player controls a character (one of three: Good, Bad, and Dead), dodges the missiles (lots of it cover the screen, but the character's hitbox is very small), and shoot at the…

talkfilters 2.3.8

The GNU Talk Filters are programs that convert English text into stereotyped or otherwise humorous dialects. The filters are provided as a C library, so they can easily be integrated into…

talloc 2.3.1

Talloc is a hierarchical, reference counted memory pool system with destructors. It is the core memory allocator used in Samba. …

talloc-static 2.3.1

Talloc is a hierarchical, reference counted memory pool system with destructors. It is the core memory allocator used in Samba. …

tango-icon-theme 0.8.90

This is an icon theme that follows the Tango visual guidelines. …

tao 1.0-beta-10May2006

Tao is a software package for sound synthesis using physical models. It provides a virtual acoustic material constructed from masses and springs which can be used as the basis for building…

tap-lv2 0.0-1.cab6e0d

TAP (Tom's Audio Processing) plugins is a collection of audio effect plugins originally released as LADSPA plugins. This package offers an LV2 version ported by moddevices. …

tar 1.32

Tar provides the ability to create tar archives, as well as the ability to extract, update or list files in an existing archive. It is useful for combining many files into…

tarsplitter 2.2.0

Archive huge numbers of files, or split massive tar archives into smaller chunks. …

tascam-gtk 0.4-0.17b8575

This is a mixer application to control the Tascam US-16x08 audio interface. This device contains about 280 control elements and this mixer application aims to provide comfortable access to the DSP…

taskwarrior 2.5.1

Taskwarrior is a command-line task manager following the Getting Things Done time management method. It supports network synchronization, filtering and querying data, exposing task data in multiple formats to other tools. …

taxtastic 0.8.11

Taxtastic is software written in python used to build and maintain reference packages i.e. collections of reference trees, reference alignments, profiles, and associated taxonomic information. …

tbb 2020.2

Threading Building Blocks (TBB) is a C++ runtime library that abstracts the low-level threading details necessary for optimal multi-core performance. It uses common C++ templates and coding style to eliminate tedious…

tbsp 1.0.0-1.ec8fff4

Several studies focus on the inference of developmental and response trajectories from single cell RNA-Seq (scRNA-Seq) data. A number of computational methods, often referred to as pseudo-time ordering, have been developed for…

tcalc 2.0

The terminal calculator is a small program to help users of the GNU/Linux terminal do calculations simply and quickly. The formula to be calculated can be fed to `tcalc' through the…

tcc 0.9.27

TCC, also referred to as "TinyCC", is a small and fast C compiler written in C. It supports ANSI C with GNU and extensions and most of the C99 standard. …

tcl 8.6.10

The Tcl (Tool Command Language) scripting language. …

tcllib 1.19

Tcllib, the standard Tcl library, is a collection of common utility functions and modules all written in high-level Tcl. …

tclx 8.4.1

Extended Tcl is oriented towards system programming tasks and large application development. TclX provides additional interfaces to the operating system, and adds many new programming constructs, text manipulation tools, and debugging tools. …

tclxml 3.2

TclXML provides event-based parsing of XML documents. The application may register callback scripts for certain document features, and when the parser encounters those features while parsing the document the callback is…

tcp-wrappers 7.6

With this package you can monitor and filter incoming requests for network services. It includes a library which may be used by daemons to transparently check connection attempts against an access…

tcpdump 4.9.3

Tcpdump is a command-line tool to analyze network traffic passing through the network interface controller. …

tcsh 6.22.02

Tcsh is an enhanced, but completely compatible version of the Berkeley UNIX C shell (csh). It is a command language interpreter usable both as an interactive login shell and a shell…

tdb 1.4.3

TDB is a Trivial Database. In concept, it is very much like GDBM, and BSD's DB except that it allows multiple simultaneous writers and uses locking internally to keep writers from…

tdlib 1.6.6-0.f45d80f

Tdlib is a cross-platform library for creating custom Telegram clients following the official Telegram API. It can be easily used from almost any programming language with a C-FFI and features first-class…

teckit 2.5.9

TECkit is a low-level toolkit intended to be used by other applications that need to perform encoding conversions (e.g., when importing legacy data into a Unicode-based application). The primary component of…

teensy-loader-cli 2.1-1.f289b7a

The Teensy loader program communicates with your Teensy board when the HalfKay bootloader is running, so you can upload new programs and run them. You need to add the udev rules to…

teeworlds 0.7.5

Teeworlds is an online multiplayer game. Battle with up to 16 players in a variety of game modes, including Team Deathmatch and Capture The Flag. You can even design your…

tegaki-wagomu-japanese 0.3

Tegaki is an ongoing project which aims to develop a free and open-source modern implementation of handwriting recognition software, specifically designed for Chinese (simplified and traditional) and Japanese, and that is suitable…

tegaki-wagomu-japanese-joyo 0.3

Tegaki is an ongoing project which aims to develop a free and open-source modern implementation of handwriting recognition software, specifically designed for Chinese (simplified and traditional) and Japanese, and that is suitable…

tegaki-wagomu-japanese-kyoiku 0.3

Tegaki is an ongoing project which aims to develop a free and open-source modern implementation of handwriting recognition software, specifically designed for Chinese (simplified and traditional) and Japanese, and that is suitable…

tegaki-wagomu-simplified-chinese 0.3

Tegaki is an ongoing project which aims to develop a free and open-source modern implementation of handwriting recognition software, specifically designed for Chinese (simplified and traditional) and Japanese, and that is suitable…

tegaki-wagomu-traditional-chinese 0.3

Tegaki is an ongoing project which aims to develop a free and open-source modern implementation of handwriting recognition software, specifically designed for Chinese (simplified and traditional) and Japanese, and that is suitable…

tegaki-zinnia-japanese 0.3

Tegaki is an ongoing project which aims to develop a free and open-source modern implementation of handwriting recognition software, specifically designed for Chinese (simplified and traditional) and Japanese, and that is suitable…

tegaki-zinnia-japanese-joyo 0.3

Tegaki is an ongoing project which aims to develop a free and open-source modern implementation of handwriting recognition software, specifically designed for Chinese (simplified and traditional) and Japanese, and that is suitable…

tegaki-zinnia-japanese-kyoiku 0.3

Tegaki is an ongoing project which aims to develop a free and open-source modern implementation of handwriting recognition software, specifically designed for Chinese (simplified and traditional) and Japanese, and that is suitable…

tegaki-zinnia-japanese-light 0.3

Tegaki is an ongoing project which aims to develop a free and open-source modern implementation of handwriting recognition software, specifically designed for Chinese (simplified and traditional) and Japanese, and that is suitable…

tegaki-zinnia-simplified-chinese 0.3

Tegaki is an ongoing project which aims to develop a free and open-source modern implementation of handwriting recognition software, specifically designed for Chinese (simplified and traditional) and Japanese, and that is suitable…

tegaki-zinnia-simplified-chinese-light 0.3

Tegaki is an ongoing project which aims to develop a free and open-source modern implementation of handwriting recognition software, specifically designed for Chinese (simplified and traditional) and Japanese, and that is suitable…

tegaki-zinnia-traditional-chinese 0.3

Tegaki is an ongoing project which aims to develop a free and open-source modern implementation of handwriting recognition software, specifically designed for Chinese (simplified and traditional) and Japanese, and that is suitable…

tegaki-zinnia-traditional-chinese-light 0.3

Tegaki is an ongoing project which aims to develop a free and open-source modern implementation of handwriting recognition software, specifically designed for Chinese (simplified and traditional) and Japanese, and that is suitable…

tegola 0.7.0

Tegola is a free vector tile server written in Go. Tegola takes geospatial data and slices it into vector tiles that can be efficiently delivered to any client. …

telegram-purple 1.4.2

Telegram-purple is a plugin for Libpurple, the communication library used by the Pidgin instant messaging client, that adds support for the Telegram messenger. …

telepathy-glib 0.24.1

Telepathy is a flexible, modular communications framework that enables real-time communication over D-Bus via pluggable protocol backends. Telepathy is a communications service that can be accessed by many applications simultaneously. This package…

telepathy-idle 0.2.0

Idle is an IRC connection manager for the Telepathy framework. This package enables usage of IRC channels and private messages in Telepathy instant messaging clients such as Empathy, GNOME Shell or…

telepathy-logger 0.8.2

Telepathy logger is a headless observer client that logs information received by the Telepathy framework. It features pluggable backends to log different sorts of messages in different formats. …

telepathy-mission-control 5.16.5

Telepathy Mission Control 5 is an account manager and channel dispatcher for the Telepathy framework, allowing user interfaces and other clients to share connections to real-time communication services without conflicting. …

template-glib 3.34.0

Template-GLib is a library to help you generate text based on a template and user defined state. Template-GLib does not use a language runtime, so it is safe to use from…

tennix 1.3.1

Tennix is a 2D tennis game. You can play against the computer or against another player using the keyboard. The game runs in-window at 640x480 resolution or fullscreen. …

tensorflow 1.9.0

TensorFlow is a flexible platform for building and training machine learning models. It provides a library for high performance numerical computation and includes high level Python APIs, including both a sequential…

terminator 1.91

Terminator allows you to run multiple GNOME terminals in a grid and +tabs, and it supports drag and drop re-ordering of terminals. …

terminology 1.8.1

Terminology is fast and feature rich terminal emulator. It is solely based on Enlightenment Foundation Libraries. It supports multiple tabs, UTF-8, URL and local path detection, themes, popup based content…

termite 15

Termite is a minimal terminal emulator designed for use with tiling window managers. It is a modal application, similar to Vim, with an insert mode and command mode where keybindings have…

terraform-docs 0.6.0

The `terraform-docs' utility can generate documentation describing the inputs and outputs for modules of the Terraform infrastructure management tool. These can be shown, or written to a file in JSON or…

tesseract-engine 20200615-2411

This package contains the game engine of Tesseract, a first-person shooter focused on cooperative in-game map editing. The engine is derived from _Cube 2: Sauerbraten_ technology but with upgraded modern rendering techniques. …

tesseract-ocr 3.04.01

Tesseract is an optical character recognition (OCR) engine with very high accuracy. It supports many languages, output text formatting, hOCR positional information and page layout analysis. Several image formats are…

testdisk 7.1

TestDisk is a program for data recovery, primarily designed to help recover lost partitions and/or make non-booting disks bootable again. …

tetoolkit 2.0.3

This is package for including transposable elements in differential enrichment analysis of sequencing datasets. TEtranscripts and TEcount take RNA-seq (and similar data) and annotates reads to both genes and transposable elements. TEtranscripts…

tevent 0.10.2

Tevent is an event system based on the talloc memory management library. It is the core event system used in Samba. The low level tevent has support for many event…

texi2html 5.0

Texi2HTML is a Perl script which converts Texinfo source files to HTML output. It now supports many advanced features, such as internationalization and extremely configurable output formats. Development of Texi2HTML moved to the…

texi2html 1.82

Texi2HTML is a Perl script which converts Texinfo source files to HTML output. It now supports many advanced features, such as internationalization and extremely configurable output formats. Development of Texi2HTML moved to the…

teximpatient 2.4

TeX for the Impatient is a ~350 page book on TeX, plain TeX, and Eplain, originally written by Paul Abrahams, Kathryn Hargreaves, and Karl Berry. …

texinfo 6.7

Texinfo is the official documentation format of the GNU project. It uses a single source file using explicit commands to produce a final document in any of several supported output formats,…

texinfo 4.13a

Texinfo is the official documentation format of the GNU project. It uses a single source file using explicit commands to produce a final document in any of several supported output formats,…

texinfo 5.2

Texinfo is the official documentation format of the GNU project. It uses a single source file using explicit commands to produce a final document in any of several supported output formats,…

texlive 20190410

TeX Live provides a comprehensive TeX document production system. It includes all the major TeX-related programs, macro packages, and fonts that are free software, including support for many languages around the…

texlive-ae 51265

This package provides a set of virtual fonts which emulates T1 coded fonts using the standard CM fonts. The package name, AE fonts, supposedly stands for "Almost European". The main…

texlive-amsfonts 51265

This package provides an extended set of fonts for use in mathematics, including: extra mathematical symbols; blackboard bold letters (uppercase only); fraktur letters; subscript sizes of bold math italic and bold Greek…

texlive-base 51265

This is a very limited subset of the TeX Live distribution. It includes little more than the required set of LaTeX packages. …

texlive-beamer 51265

The beamer LaTeX class can be used for producing slides. The class works in both PostScript and direct PDF output modes, using the `pgf' graphics system for visual effects. Content…

texlive-bibtex 51265

BibTeX allows the user to store his citation data in generic form, while printing citations in a document in the form specified by a BibTeX style, to be specified in the document…

texlive-bin 20190410

TeX Live provides a comprehensive TeX document production system. It includes all the major TeX-related programs, macro packages, and fonts that are free software, including support for many languages around the…

texlive-booktabs 51265

This package enhances the quality of tables in LaTeX, providing extra commands as well as behind-the-scenes optimisation. Guidelines are given as to what constitutes a good table in this context. …

texlive-charter 51265

This package provides a copy of the Charter Type-1 fonts which Bitstream contributed to the X consortium, renamed for use with TeX. Support for use with LaTeX is available in `freenfss',…

texlive-cm 51265

This package provides the Computer Modern fonts by Donald Knuth. The Computer Modern font family is a large collection of text, display, and mathematical fonts in a range of styles, based…

texlive-cm-super 51265

The CM-Super family provides Adobe Type 1 fonts that replace the T1/TS1-encoded Computer Modern (EC/TC), T1/TS1-encoded Concrete, T1/TS1-encoded CM bright and LH Cyrillic fonts (thus supporting all European languages except Greek), and bringing…

texlive-context-base 51265

A full featured, parameter driven macro package, which fully supports advanced interactive documents. See the ConTeXt garden for a wealth of support information. …

texlive-csquotes 51265

This package provides advanced facilities for inline and display quotations. It is designed for a wide range of tasks ranging from the most simple applications to the more complex demands of…

texlive-dehyph-exptl 51265

The package provides experimental hyphenation patterns for the German language, covering both traditional and reformed orthography. The patterns can be used with packages Babel and hyphsubst from the Oberdiek bundle. …

texlive-doi 51265

You can hyperlink DOI numbers to However, some publishers have elected to use nasty characters in their DOI numbering scheme (`<', `>', `_' and `;' have all been spotted). …

texlive-dvips 51265

This package provides files needed for converting DVI files to PostScript. …

texlive-epsf 51265

This package provides the original (and now obsolescent) graphics inclusion macros for use with dvips, still widely used by Plain TeX users (in particular). For LaTeX users, the package is nowadays (rather…

texlive-etex 51265

This package provides an extended version of TeX (which is capable of running as if it were TeX unmodified). E-TeX has been specified by the LaTeX team as the engine for…

texlive-etoolbox 51265

This package is a toolbox of programming facilities geared primarily towards LaTeX class and package authors. It provides LaTeX frontends to some of the new primitives provided by e-TeX as well…

texlive-filemod 51265

This package provides macros to read and compare the modification dates of files. The files may be `.tex' files, images or other files (as long as they can be found by…

texlive-fontinst 51265

This package provides TeX macros for converting Adobe Font Metric files to TeX metric and virtual font format. Fontinst helps mainly with the number crunching and shovelling parts of font installation.…

texlive-fontname 51265

This is Fontname, a naming scheme for (the base part of) external TeX font filenames. This makes at most eight-character names from (almost) arbitrarily complex font names, thus helping portability of…

texlive-fonts-ec 51265

The EC fonts are European Computer Modern Fonts, supporting the complete LaTeX T1 encoding defined at the 1990 TUG conference hold at Cork/Ireland. These fonts are intended to be stable with…

texlive-fonts-iwona 0.995b

Iwona is a two-element sans-serif typeface. It was created as an alternative version of the Kurier typeface, which was designed in 1975 for a diploma in typeface design at the Warsaw…

texlive-fonts-knuth-lib 51265

This is a collection of core TeX and METAFONT macro files from Donald Knuth, including the plain format, plain base, and the MF logo fonts. …

texlive-fonts-latex 51265

This is a collection of fonts for use with standard LaTeX packages and classes. It includes invisible fonts (for use with the slides class), line and circle fonts (for use in the…

texlive-fonts-rsfs 51265

The fonts provide uppercase formal script letters for use as symbols in scientific and mathematical typesetting (in contrast to the informal script fonts such as that used for the calligraphic symbols in…

texlive-fonts-stmaryrd 51265

The fonts were originally distributed as Metafont sources only, but Adobe Type 1 versions are also now available. Macro support is provided for use under LaTeX; the package supports the `only'…

texlive-generic-babel-english 51265

This package provides the language definition file for support of English in `babel'. Care is taken to select British hyphenation patterns for British English and Australian text, and default ("american") patterns…


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